Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I felt this was a big enough feature to announce it on a new thread.  Draft cubes here:

Ben's Cube:
Simon's Cube:
Tom's Cube:
Kieran's Cube:

You can pick cards and you'll see them on the right as you do so.  You're actually playing againt 7 bot drafters who basically just force two colours each and take the occasional artifact/land.  Each colour will be drafted by at most 3 bot drafters so it kinda mimics what should end up happening in a real draft.  They pick at random a card from their colours.

As usual only minimal testing has been performed, please do report any bugs and let me know what you think!

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very true Kieran, I will fix this.

Fixed.  Only current cube cards are shown on the Analysis page.  Alpha/Beta is now also a pimp option.

Couple of updates:

- As Paul pointed out last night, the bots shouldn't be passing Black Lotus.  Previously they would pass highly rated artifacts a somewhat arbitrary 40% of the time, then now pass them a % equal to pickCount/(pickCount +passCount) ratio.

- Card Set is now editable.  Unfortunately changing a set doesn't change the picture.  This is no image convention in Gatherer to find a card based on name and set, the URLs look like this:

They do have all of the different versions but there is no nice URL to discover them on.  I could go to the effort of storing them in the DB maybe..

Something I would really like to see now is a search option similar to Gatherer and Magiccards but internal to your cube. It would really help to be able to look for card text so you could see how much flying there is or how many answers to Swords there are in your cube. It would be by far the most useful thing for working out if the cube is properly balanced and if there is too much of certain abilities.

I can't believe you cut Talon Trooper from your cube! And all for an archetype that may never even come up! For Shame!

Cutting Tithe also made me sad. Especially as I was playing it yesterday. It seems pretty much superior to a Plains in any White deck since it can fetch two lands, helps thin your deck, and can fix your mana by fetching duals. It even works as a Storm enabler (not that there's a White Storm deck).

I do love Snap, though, there are just so many cool things you can do with a free Unsummon!

Alright well despite Kieran's protests, I have added commenting to Blog Posts on Cube Tutor.  What do you think of the addition of storm in my cube?  Should Kieran REALLY have cut Skull Catapult for Flayer Husk?!

Please be nice.

Up next I'm thinking of introducing a little mini forum for each cube.

I'd love to be able to do this.  The kind of detailed search that these sites provide would be tricky to do but I will mull it over.

Kieran Symington said:

Something I would really like to see now is a search option similar to Gatherer and Magiccards but internal to your cube. It would really help to be able to look for card text so you could see how much flying there is or how many answers to Swords there are in your cube. It would be by far the most useful thing for working out if the cube is properly balanced and if there is too much of certain abilities.

Forum for each cube would be a doubleplusgood idea!

Ben Titmarsh said:

Alright well despite Kieran's protests, I have added commenting to Blog Posts on Cube Tutor.  What do you think of the addition of storm in my cube?  Should Kieran REALLY have cut Skull Catapult for Flayer Husk?!

Please be nice.

Up next I'm thinking of introducing a little mini forum for each cube.

I like it, though it would be nice to have something to show recent comments - if you comment an old Blog Post it risks going unseen right now.

What would also be nice would be to have some sort of 'Front Page' where you can expalin a bit about what your cube is doing. It would definitely help with those like mine where it isn't immediately obvious what's going on.

Yeah the idea of a text description and summary, maybe bullet points detailing some of the properties of the cube (powered, standard, pauper, peasant, pimped, tribal...) is something I've been thinking about.  Might rejig the blog page.  Perhaps put the index in the header some how and have this information in the boxes on the right.  Maybe even rename it to 'Home' as well.

The draft analysis section is awesome.  Will be slamming Khalni Gem in Kieran's cube, now ...

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