Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

This may well be a first for Magic but instead of needing Sac-Lands/Baneslayers I need to borrow some commons for Saturday. Could someone please lend me one of each of the following:

Khalni Heart Expedition
Soul Spring Expedition
Ior Ruin Expedition

Doing so will allow everyone to witness me once again getting destroyed at standard with a ridiculous deck I put together myself with no testing. How could anyone resist?

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I assume you mean Sunspring Expedition?

I have a mild interest in SSE, as I think it might be fine in standard...

Where, I have no idea yet...


only Kieran.
That's the one! I got Soul Stair & Sunspring a bit mixed up!

Warren Vonk said:
I assume you mean Sunspring Expedition?

I have a mild interest in SSE, as I think it might be fine in standard...

Where, I have no idea yet...
I'll dig these out for your Kieran. Got any Luminarch Ascensions I could borrow? Need 3.
Cheers Ben! Wish I could return the favour but I'm playing my only Ascension in the deck!

Ben Titmarsh said:
I'll dig these out for your Kieran. Got any Luminarch Ascensions I could borrow? Need 3.
I have all of them which you could have. Wy didn't you just pick them up last night when trillions of commons were all over the place?

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