I would like to do another one of those Pendrall Oak testing sessions. I have a few decks that I want to try out for this season.
Of course this will have to happen after Christmas sometime - I was thinking maybe the 27th as I assume everyone has this off.
Ta; im pretty sure one of my GWx lists will be +ve against 4c and fae and at least even vs. jund, but I have noo idea which is better yet.
I have Fae I can knock up Jund and I might have to proxie up 5cc
I really want to try that Shamans list that Gavin Verhey wrote about
That Ginger One said:
Ta; im pretty sure one of my GWx lists will be +ve against 4c and fae and at least even vs. jund, but I have noo idea which is better yet.
Elementals looks worth a spin also.
I think the important thing is to not test brews against each other, as this is a pairing very unlikely to come up.
fuck. just realised 10th isn't legal. THIS MEANS I CAN'T PLAY SANITY GRINDING
someone please find an equally "terrible" combo/pseudocombo deck for me to play so i can make people realise how terrible at magic they are when they lose to such a deck
suggestions: timeSieve.dec, runeflareTrap.dec, slaver/portal.dec, colfenor'sPlans.dec
Seive might be a good deck Phil. It should still crush on 4c so very very hard, and its other matchups cant be awful. Fae is a coinflip (win/lose is basically dependant on b blossom) and it can race aggro decks handily. It does goldfish slower than scapeshift though which is an issue.
Fuck it - no one can really be bothered so I'm just going to get drunk instead!
Ok dudes lets try this again - how about the Penderal's Oak in Holborn on either Sunday the 2nd or Monday the 3rd. I trust everyone should have recovered from NYE by this time.
If you are interested please post letting me know what day is favourable for you.
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