It is pretty good!
It's careful study with flashback. Seems nuts with Burning Vengeance in standard, Ascension in Modern, etc
wasn't this card spoiled weeks ago
also, i am playing 4c burning vengeance in standard right now so more good flashback cards can only be a good thing for me!
aaaaaaalso does anyone else think that dack fayden is a comically bad name for a character?
I can see that its a careful study....
just to play devil's advocate a little though (I'm not sure if this is good or bad, even if I suspect bad)
it's still card disadvantage at sorcery speed (compare to desperate ravings which is card advantage, albeit random)
its in red, card advantage is best cumulatively (thats why drawing 3 card with browbeat was never THAT good), and the RU fixing is pretty bad in standard
I'm also unconvinced this is better than ponder. yes, you can dump it with alchemy, but what are you going to do, cast this on turn 4 after you alchemy? t2 isn't THAT slow
what deck wants this effect, rdw? (it helps you find shrine I guess, but its SLOW in a format with powerful hate cards like batterskull and reinforcements)
seems pretty sick in dredge decks that run LED
heh, ok ok, its very very good in legacy, and possibly extended, was actually only thinking t2 :P
in legacy it might get LED banned again
I had to read the card three times before I knew what it did. First time I thought it was draw 2 discard 1 (I think there might be another card I was thinking of, probabaly desperate ravings). Then I read it again and, becuase it was a red card, automatically added "at random" to the end of the effect.
I like it because it is a way to get a (albeit worse) ponder type effect without having to play blue ;-)
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