Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

So I wake up to find the latest pairings include two English players at 5-0 paired in Round 6.

National Champion Dan Gardner versus Eternal Champion Steve Bernstein.

Epic battle.

Who else is there that we know?

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Funnily enough on day one during my three byes I spoke to hagon about his new pro tour player review book and what do I have to do to get a feature match and he said just go undefeated - I was one of three people left undefeated at 10-0 and didn't get one - apparently they don't want tobe accused of being biased!

Wierdly we were the only quarters match to not have coverage, even though we finished last nobody came over, and had quite an interesting match up, naya v jund.

Hagon covered the whole of the semi - I requested a shout out to the dt crew - so no idea why he hasn't posted the match report up - I'll give a quickie in a min - they also edited my top 8 profile - favourite thing about belguim was Thomas vermaelen - dunno why that was too controversial and about the foiliness of jund.

Lastly hagon was also doing a podcast on the rise of britsh players in magic interviewing OJs, blandie about top 8ing Madrid and dan g just missing out on top 8 san Diego but eventhough I was top of the standings wasnt spoken to.

Paul Hodgson said:
all other quarter reports are up, apart from Steve's - finish last by any chance? ;)
That's just lame, shame behaviour like that doesn't get outed to the wider community more often.

stevie_b said:
Wei got screwed by remi fortier in the last round fighting for top 16 and pro tour invite when he started gamesmanshipping by questioning his sleeves, the use of foils and a peculiar case of targeting elsepth or multiple soldiers with a pulse tfat took a 25min judge investigation. Seemed like a bit of a wanker.

Dan Barrett said:
And he's in, 4th place! Go Steve!

Honourable mention to Wei, who finished 4 points shy in 39th place. :)
Congrats & commiserations Steve :)
I beat 3 mythic decks in tve Swiss and others in friedlies as loads of Belgians were playing it - you sudeboard in all your removal - desthmarks plus masters and unlessx they get a really quick thornling or jwar jwar can't see how they can win - I think it's a really good match up - fully expected whichever jund won the semis would beat mythic in the final

Andy Buchanan said:
Never mind - bloody good run nonetheless. And I don't fancy any Jund deck's chances in the final against Mythic. Darn Mythic... I haven't got any copies of those silly Lotus Cobras.

stevie_b said:
Lost the semis in a jund mirror 2-1 - double mullligan in the deciding game then gotblightninged!

Cest la vie.
As I said unfirtuntaeky dindnt get nearly any chance to do trading as during three byes most people are pllaying and by side events seemed to fininsh really early like 4pm so when I finished day one most people had gone - did trade a bit with saito but his prices were high and he only had standard with him - got jap foi garruk, firewalker and bas collar but he wanted like €8 fir treasure hunt!

Sorry he didn't have teachings but am on the look out - could have got tom a foil werebear but was eng not Japanese so nothing special.

Gary Lynch said:
I believe mythic I not hard for jund to beat. I had no trouble with it.
Well done steve. Bad luck in that last game. What can you do though.
Did you find me a japanese foil mystical teachings?

Andy Buchanan said:
Never mind - bloody good run nonetheless. And I don't fancy any Jund deck's chances in the final against Mythic. Darn Mythic... I haven't got any copies of those silly Lotus Cobras. stevie_b said:
Lost the semis in a jund mirror 2-1 - double mullligan in the deciding game then gotblightninged!

Cest la vie.
Perhaps he just doesnt like you....

I do think its rediculous that they can cover 3 out of 4 quarters and onky 1 of the semis. Quarters maybe there wasnt enough coverage staff, but in the semis there is no escuse.

Is there possible someone we can complain to?

Perhaps you need to be more of a dick and only be friends with people who are good at magic to get coverage.

What did they edit about your profile?

stevie_b said:
Funnily enough on day one during my three byes I spoke to hagon about his new pro tour player review book and what do I have to do to get a feature match and he said just go undefeated - I was one of three people left undefeated at 10-0 and didn't get one - apparently they don't want tobe accused of being biased!

Wierdly we were the only quarters match to not have coverage, even though we finished last nobody came over, and had quite an interesting match up, naya v jund.

Hagon covered the whole of the semi - I requested a shout out to the dt crew - so no idea why he hasn't posted the match report up - I'll give a quickie in a min - they also edited my top 8 profile - favourite thing about belguim was Thomas vermaelen - dunno why that was too controversial and about the foiliness of jund.

Lastly hagon was also doing a podcast on the rise of britsh players in magic interviewing OJs, blandie about top 8ing Madrid and dan g just missing out on top 8 san Diego but eventhough I was top of the standings wasnt spoken to.

Paul Hodgson said:
all other quarter reports are up, apart from Steve's - finish last by any chance? ;)
No one covered his QF match, and there was someone covering SF match but it hasn't been posted, that's the part I find perculiar. And Remi Fortier is not cool :(

Gary Lynch said:
Perhaps he just doesnt like you....

I do think its rediculous that they can cover 3 out of 4 quarters and onky 1 of the semis. Quarters maybe there wasnt enough coverage staff, but in the semis there is no escuse.

Is there possible someone we can complain to?

Perhaps you need to be more of a dick and only be friends with people who are good at magic to get coverage.

What did they edit about your profile?

stevie_b said:
Funnily enough on day one during my three byes I spoke to hagon about his new pro tour player review book and what do I have to do to get a feature match and he said just go undefeated - I was one of three people left undefeated at 10-0 and didn't get one - apparently they don't want tobe accused of being biased!

Wierdly we were the only quarters match to not have coverage, even though we finished last nobody came over, and had quite an interesting match up, naya v jund.

Hagon covered the whole of the semi - I requested a shout out to the dt crew - so no idea why he hasn't posted the match report up - I'll give a quickie in a min - they also edited my top 8 profile - favourite thing about belguim was Thomas vermaelen - dunno why that was too controversial and about the foiliness of jund.

Lastly hagon was also doing a podcast on the rise of britsh players in magic interviewing OJs, blandie about top 8ing Madrid and dan g just missing out on top 8 san Diego but eventhough I was top of the standings wasnt spoken to.

Paul Hodgson said:
all other quarter reports are up, apart from Steve's - finish last by any chance? ;)
No kiss, handshake or congrats - 6 pro points, invite to San juan, and $1500 but the us take about a quarter in tax

Ben Titmarsh said:
What was the final windfall then Steve? Couple of boxes of boosters, a top 8 badge and a kiss from Rich Hagon?
I dont think so Steve. As your a UK resident you shouldnt pay tax on this as it is winnings.

stevie_b said:
No kiss, handshake or congrats - 6 pro points, invite to San juan, and $1500 but the us take about a quarter in tax

Ben Titmarsh said:
What was the final windfall then Steve? Couple of boxes of boosters, a top 8 badge and a kiss from Rich Hagon?
The US tax is on winnings is about 30%, but whether they take it depends on the country you're in too. Przem didn't have to pay any tax on his money from worlds, but Jack did in SD. Rob might know for Belgium since he money'd last time.
Hey, i don't really think that's necessary, Steve.

stevie_b said:
Doesn't your toungue get dry from all that ass licking?

Also, if there was any ass licking in this topic, it woulda been this:

Battlefield Schmattlefield said:
stevie b proves what we all know: that he's a fucking legend...!

Thanks for all the congrats guys the few uk guys that were at the gp were also really happy and supportive too - shame more people were not there cos not just the Belgians but all the other players had loads of supporters and 'team' ethic like the French, Italians and Hungarians - guess it's just a symptom of the game being smaller in the uk and much more mainstream on the continent but also like the nats quals discussion much more divisions betwween groups - cov crew, London scots etc. There's no joint approach to big events likegps in comparison to how the uk is.

Just going on the eurostar aillsill try and do a quick match report.k

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