Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

While I was moving house I discovered that I have a full 8-man's worth IPA draft of packs lying around. For those of you young whippersnappers that didn't play much IPA, it was a good format that is definitely worth a bit of a draft. The reason that I suggest Rochester is twofold. One, it is a really good format that I don't get to do very often. Two, some of these packs (quite a few of them) are in foreign languages, which I can imagine being a bit of a barrier for those that aren't very good on their card knowledge. If we Rochester, then I can have the ol' iPad fired up with the visual spoiler of each set, and as each pack is laid out, anyone that needs to can check the card text on any card.


If you are looking to get some pimpin' foreign language Meddling Mages, Pernicious Deeds or Goblin Ringleaders, this is probably your best chance. Haven't quite worked out the money side of it yet - probably will cost a similar amount to a normal draft - I don't want to cut my own throat.


Let me know if you're interested. I'm probably looking to do this one Saturday afternoon in some pub or other. First dibs will go to awesome people - ideally ones that know what at least some of the cards do.

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Oh man. If I am around for this I am totally in.
Agreed, will def be up for this if I'm around.
As long as I'm one of the awesome people :o
I could certainly see myself attempting to take part in such an endeavour
I am in, flametongue kavu here I come!

I do miss old rochester draft. I remember the first ever PTQ top 8 I made was rochester and I was bewildered by what was going on. Did pick up some nice rares though...
I'm in, so long as the time/date is agreeable, and you can link me to a quick primer on the format so i'm up to speed?
Definitely in on this, IPA is awesome
Would like to be In, although looks like im number 9 :/.I know more cards than most people though *sells with eyes, and ignores the existance of reeve, lovett, o'keefe and paul...*
Charlie, you can have my slot if people would prefer, seeing as I know virtually none of the cards, or the Rochester draft format.

However perhaps we should do a Scars one too, like Royde was banging on about?

That Ginger One said:
Would like to be In, although looks like im number 9 :/.I know more cards than most people though *sells with eyes, and ignores the existance of reeve, lovett, o'keefe and paul...*
Well there was some discussion around this at the club last night, and people certainly seemed interested, and not just in IPA, but for Rochester/Team Rochester in general.

There was even the beginnings of some suggestions about holding sanctioned Rochester/Team Rochester events with the current set. If Jason offered these at the club could we get enough interest?

The only danger I see is with 8 man Rochester the draft can take a long time, especially if people are new to the format/set. Team Rochester is a little more forgiving for total time invested.
count me in man, team rochester is all kinds of saucy
You can still sanction that?

Sweet, defo in - Saturday instead of all-day constructed if the attendance is low?

Will also bring Ascension (now sleeved!) too.

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