Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Any one go to this? How did you do? What did you Learn about the fiormat? What about your deck?? Would you make any changes or play differently??

I will make my post later when I'm not at work.

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Ok so I believe we also had 17 players in Richmond. I went 2-1-1. They decided not to play the top 8 as they only have the venue for half day, so they could fit in a draft.

Played mono red round 1. Game 1 was easy off a baneslayer he couldn't kill. Game 2 I stablized with baneslayer on defence but he stole it to swing for the win.

Round 2 was some little douche playing vampires. Before the tournament I hears him crying about the new Jace and how expensive it was even though it is rubbish. According to him as he was able to bring back a bloodgast and kill it, it's rubbish. Lol.

I lose game 1 as he is able to drop a bunch of dudes then nocturnus for the win. Game 2 I trade some guys with him then wrath when he plays bloodwitch and another guy. Game 3 I get a slowish start but then drop baneslayer for 4 turns in a row (the last being FOIL). Unfirtunatly my angels can't attack as he has bloodwitch and nocturnus and enough dudes to lethal me on the swing back. He then draws 4 removal spells in a row while I draw nothing.

Round 3 my opp leads with colonade then land into chalice so I put him on chapin control. Based on this I just drop lands and try and sculpt a hand to get around counters and make him have to use up his wraths. He wasn't playing the exact list as he was also running black for quest for the gravelord and possibly something else. I eventually win game 1 off the back of my man lands. Game 2 I guess my draw is not so good and he ends up beating me with his man lands. Game 3 made me sad as during the games he had mentioned that he wasn't willing to pay out for baneslayers so I didn't bring in anyway to deal with creatures as I had still not seen any. He didn't lie but he did have sphinx of the steel wind. Shame a 8/8 knight can't get passed that when you have already drawn your steep in your oppening hand. I still think I could have overwhelmed him as I had man lands knight and angel but we went to time.

Last round I played a r/g deck. Don't remember much as I just beat him quick with turn 4 baneslayer turn 5 rafiq.

Would have liked to play out the top 8 to try and get more practise in. Also would have been nice to beat steve and his jund deck.

Mostly enjoyed playing the deck although I would deffinatly have another wrath in the side. Perhaps another way to remove bloodwitch. Also considering moving the bant charm main deck as having some answers to things may be nice.

Also in the unlikley event I can get some of those Jace dudes I would consider playin them main deck as late game drawing birds or finest hour with nothing on board is weak. Plus the fact you coul get a good draw and make Jace turn 2 seems pretty sweet.
Lol didn't even realise this. I should read cards more often.

Louis Mackie said:
OtV returns Enchantments as well as Artifacts. It effectively Wraths the board with O-Ring and Journey and throws your wincons on the table.
Gary - what deck did you play, and who did you borrow it from? List?
Played mythic. Borrowed it from steve. Had to get my own man lands from mike last week though. Also ony had 1 Jace in the side so neve got to play it.

Dan Barrett said:
Gary - what deck did you play, and who did you borrow it from? List?
Deck I'm playing on MWS and looking to build soon is the Stoneforge Mystic Boros deck. It's completely insane - I just attacked on turn 3 for 16 with two creatures. Standard doesn't get much better than killing people with Kitesail Apprentice.

Louis Mackie said:
Deck I'm playing on MWS and looking to build soon is the Stoneforge Mystic Boros deck. It's completely insane - I just attacked on turn 3 for 16 with two creatures. Standard doesn't get much better than killing people with Kitesail Apprentice.

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