So what are peoples thoughts on Modern and the ban list they have given?
Seen a lot of complaints on the wizards forum about how they banned too many cards and it will just be loads of agro decks. Not really sure thats true as something like Revilark seems like it could be very good against agro decks.
Could be time to bring back the Teachings :)
Banlist seems a bit over the top. Zoo seems like one of the best decks (Teeg and Canonist crushes the other legalcombo decks , and I'm sure there are lots of solid Vial decks out there.
Announcing this 3 weeks before the PT is a bit lol though.
The banned list looks like they tried to make the format as fun as possible.
Personally, I never played old extended or new extended, and don't see myself playing this unless it becomes particularly popular and commonplace. If I did, I would see myself playing goblins, just because goblins are fun :D
I read somewhere that Dragonstorm combo might be worth looking into.
the format owns and if you complain about "too many cards being banned" then you are a retard
teeg hardly beats any combo decks. Remember that there are tons of combos in this format - Dragonstorm, Melira, Hive Mind, Weird Harvest, Cascade, Tooth and Nail, Saffi/Crypt Champion, Splinter Twin, etc....
i've been facing a lot of cloudpost decks on modo (vesuvas have doubled in price!) so i plan on building some kind of terrible LD deck
Teeg stops every combo you listed except for Living End, Project X and Melira, and the creature based ones have their own issues (they are 3-card combos, disrupted easily etc)
12post is insane though
Philip Dickinson said:
the format owns and if you complain about "too many cards being banned" then you are a retard
teeg hardly beats any combo decks. Remember that there are tons of combos in this format - Dragonstorm, Melira, Hive Mind, Weird Harvest, Cascade, Tooth and Nail, Saffi/Crypt Champion, Splinter Twin, etc....
i've been facing a lot of cloudpost decks on modo (vesuvas have doubled in price!) so i plan on building some kind of terrible LD deck
I think if we want TGC to run any constructed tournaments we have to turn up to the monthly 8 man single elim days (in significant numbers) to show our support for constructed (whether it be Modern, Type 2, Legacy etc).
If we do then TGC may see that people might turn up for a larger event and be more prepared to run it as he knows people will turn up.
Philip Dickinson said:
big question: can we convince jason to run a modern tournament?
That's my point. I was planning to turn up to the last one, posted on the forum and nobody else said they were coming so I turned up later on to draft.
If we get enough people to commit to going beforehand then I think it will happen. It seems that if there isn't a Constructed PTQ then London players do not want to play constructed.
i would turn up to TGC every week if there was constructed available. you know how infrequently (once every few months) i turn up to TGC, so if there are any other people who feel similarly then this could be a significant thing for jason. of course, i might just be alone in my penchant for constructed (versus my desire not to spend £12 on dull draft formats lol).
perhaps after nats if 8 of us brought constructed decks to tgc we could play 4-round swiss, then interest would grow?
if someone told me there was constructed tonight, for example, i would be in my car a few minutes later
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