Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Due to the global changes made to the Wizards Play Network (WPN) introduced by Wizards of the Coast in September of last year we regret to have  to annouce that The Games Club will not be participating in the New Set Celebrations for the impending Magic 2012 Core Set.

WTF.  So bad.


Is there some alternative for wannabe prereleasers?


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Is he organising one then?

Mark Walker said:
I hope all the TCG regulars will be showing up at Games Club Friday when the set is officially released to take part in a sealed event as a show of support for Jason?

I'm going to the first showing of HP at the Imax at 12.20 Thus night then straight to work, but if I'm awake and alive I'm there.


Since this article went up today, I've received a call from WotC UK, who've given me some more information on the London Games Club situation - The reason there was no pre-release there was not due to a lack of affiliation with a  store, but rather a misunderstanding about the affiliation which had existed for the previous pre-release, and the fact one was applied for after the scheduling deadline and product for the UK had been ordered.


Obviously this means portions of my article are now quite inaccurate, and I'd like to apologise for anyone who feels at all misled by statements made in it - I wrote it based entirely on the facts I had available to me at the time, which it now appears were incomplete.

sounds like bs to me... "a misunderstanding about affiliation"?
I don't see why they would ring me up and lie to me, especially when said lie could easily be disproved by asking Jason. I see no reason not to believe that explanation.

Peter Dun said:
sounds like bs to me... "a misunderstanding about affiliation"?

it sounds like technical jargon to explain away something which could have been resolved another way. I'm not saying it's a lie, just a way to cover your tracks in a case where you are not entirely in the right

It sounds a bit like they're trying to imply that if he'd done stuff earlier, that he'd have been able to run a prerelease. Or was the misunderstanding just that he thought he could run one, and Wizards then said no?


Oh yeah, also: Great communication policy regardless!

So if Jason simply missed a deadline for this prerelease, does it mean that this is just a one off and we will be seeing a prerelease as normal for the next set?

Dan, I suggest you speak to Jason, because I am pretty sure there is at least one discrepancy with what they have told you.

As i understand it, Jason has been running tourneys so long that he doesn't get his product from the UK office (I think he predates the UK office!!!) - he orders it directly from the distributor (I believe he gets a special Jason price ;-)  )


I think if you have an article on this, you should make sure you get your facts straight before requesting a retraction/ammendment to your article.

Nick - I did all the digging I could, and certain people wouldn't or didn't get back to me...
As far as I know all stock for pre-releases comes direct from the distributor.  Ours always has and we have only been going a couple of years.

Nick Lovett said:

Dan, I suggest you speak to Jason, because I am pretty sure there is at least one discrepancy with what they have told you.

As i understand it, Jason has been running tourneys so long that he doesn't get his product from the UK office (I think he predates the UK office!!!) - he orders it directly from the distributor (I believe he gets a special Jason price ;-)  )


I think if you have an article on this, you should make sure you get your facts straight before requesting a retraction/ammendment to your article.

Just got a message from Jason regarding this:

"The Games Club will be holding Launch Party(s) for the Magic 2012 Core Set this weekend on both Friday (evening) and Saturday (daytime) at the County Hotel".

Hope to see you all there!

Dan Barrett said:
Is he organising one then?

Mark Walker said:
I hope all the TCG regulars will be showing up at Games Club Friday when the set is officially released to take part in a sealed event as a show of support for Jason?

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