Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I have 137 of the cards in now.

I'm not looking at them all because I want to be ignorant like you lot for the actual draft.  But I have had a little dip to prepare some spoilers.

Here's some factoids:

* Four planeswalkers
* A split card.
* Two reprints of Time Spiral block cards.
* An Epic spell.
* A man-land.
* A creature that can be a 6/6 First Strike for 2R.
* An artifact that costs 9.
* A color-shifted card.
* A card that produces 6 token creatures.

And here's an actual fully spoilt card:

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Im responsible for over half the spoit cards :)
"Two reprints of Time Spiral block cards."

Teferi and Teachings?
I think I can see two of mine. No fair!

Sounds pretty good at the moment - I really want to see that 6/6 guy for 3!

Gary Lynch said:
Im responsible for over half the spoit cards :)
Are you ready for...

- A 2 cmc creature that lets you Ancestral Recall every turn

- A one-sided wrath effect for 1BBB

- A 3 cmc 6/6

- "Oblivion ring on a string"?

All these, plus your favourite "Legendary creature - human"s from TGC in my 45 cards!
I have and have printed 225 of the 360 cards now.

Deadline is today!
Are you ready for:

A colourshifted M10 card

A 4/4 one drop

A mox

A card with Fading?
So did everyone get their cards in on time?

I'm looking forward to this, should be interesting to see what people have come up with.
And some teasers from me:

- a 4/4 creature for only 2 mana
- a colourshifted Alpha card
- a mana accelerator that can be played for free

Thomas David Baker said:
I have and have printed 225 of the 360 cards now.
Deadline is today!
Rob, of course, was late and gave his in yesterday. But yes I have 225 printed and chopped and another 135 ready to roll off the presses today.

See you all tonight!

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