A random collection of thoughts on possible future directions:
1. Other people (Dan, Charlie, possibly others?) would like to join in some future version. I definitely don't want to automatically restrict this to the 8 people that happened to play in the first one.
2. It would be fun to make a proper set with rarities and more than one of cards and that kind of stuff.
3. It would be fun to make a cube where all the cards are interesting and powerful.
4. My cards and to a lesser extent Dan's don't really lend themselves to being part of anything remotely serious. They probably get most of their value from the first play rather than repeat play.
5. It would be fun to make up yet more cards.
6. It would be fun to make this a regular thing.
7. It would be fun to refine whatever we make to the point where you could say to Magic-playing strangers: "hey, play a draft of this with us, it's good".
8. Some of the cards that were invented are really cool. I've pretty much fallen in love with Corrupt Seer and I will still love him when his ability costs 3 life like it should.
9. We threw together some ideas a few weeks back about a possible set. It involved a lot of Wizards. A lot of the cards we played with last night were Wizards.
10. Rob may have been on to something with further exploitation of existing mechanics. Cycling/Madness/Dredge/Unearth/Channel anyone?
11. Something tells me that if we make a set or a cube it should be more Time Spiral block and less M10. Err on the side of too complicated rather than a bunch of well balanced Commons. We don't have the exact same design goals as Wizards R&D.
12. We seem to like Zombies and Wizards.
13. "Next time" we should probably have some rules or some suggested theme or something like that so that we can contrast it with this time and see what works better.
I started playing around with a prototype web-based Multiverse:
But to bring it to a level anywhere near Magic Set Editor is too much effort. All the little things like automatic reminder text and setting up your own mechanics and resizing art would take a long time to reproduce in a web-based version.
Perhaps we can have a two-tier approach. Work on your cards in MSE and then provide some simple export into some kind of wiki format so that people can add/edit comments with one page for each card and the ability to link between them?
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