Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

The Games Club will be holding an invitation only testing day on 15/08/10 at the County Hotel from 11am till late.


All members of The Games Club (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays) that have already qualified for Nationals are automatically invited to participate, additional players may be invited someone that is already invited (see below).


Everyone attending will receive an exclusive polo shirt (to wear whilst attedning Nationals), access to less than half price (timed or untimed) Magic 2011 Booster Drafts, special offers and the chance to be sellected to represent The Games Club in the Nationals Team Competition and possibly win a whole display of Boosters.


In additon to the above there will be a full colour proxied version (sideboards will be B/W) of every Standard legal Top 8 deck published on from coverage of Nationals held since the release of M11.


Plus, Magic Madhouse will be attending so you will have the chance to make some last minute purchases prior to Nationals.


Each person attending is expected to contribute £10 towards the cost of producing the proxied decks and providing the venue. Invited players need to confirm their participation and polo shirt size before 13/08/10.


INVITATIONS (confirmed in bold)

Amar Dattani (Qed) - M
Andrew Buchanan (Qed) - XL
Benjamin Lei - L
Ben Titmarsh - M
Charlie Grover - L
Dan Barrett (Qed) - L
Daniel Merritt (Qed)
Daniel Royde - L
Daniel Waine - L
Gary Lynch (Qed)
Gihan Bandanranaike (Qed)
Gilbert Luciano - S
James Mills (Qed) - L
Jason Howlett (TO)
Jason Savage (Qed) - L
Jon Burland (Qed)
Kieran Symington - XL
Larry Devis - 3XL
Nathan Gotlib - S
Nicholas Lovett (Qed) - M
Nils Noffmann (Qed)
Paul Chalder - M
Paul Hodgson - M
Paul Naicker - L
Paul Young (Qed) - XL
Peter Dunn (Qed)
Quentin Martin (Qed) - S
Raymond Wat (Qed) - M
Rebecca Bonfield (Qed) - M
Robert Stanjer
Simon O'Keeffe (Qed) - S
Stuart Wright (Qed)
Thomas Reeve (Qed) - L
Thom Richardson - L

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Rebecca Bonfield said:
Although I can't come can I still get a polo shirt? Medium please.

Of course.

And if anyone else want a polo let me know, by sending an email to and stating the size you require (deadline is 12/08/10)
Raymond Wat said:
How many guests can I invite?

We're not restricting the number of people that someone who's invited can invite, and then those invited players can invite players and so on.
Oooh count me in. Polo shirt size (M)
Size M for me please.

Jason Howlett said:
Raymond Wat said:
How many guests can I invite?

We're not restricting the number of people that someone who's invited can invite, and then those invited players can invite players and so on.
The ability to participate in a special games club event almost makes me wish I'd played a real deck in any qualifying event. Almost....
Add Kieran to the invitelist, on the condition he tests using REAL DECKS!!! :P

Kieran Symington said:
The ability to participate in a special games club event almost makes me wish I'd played a real deck in any qualifying event. Almost....
I can't guarantee that -I- will play something that anyone else will consider a real deck, so that doesn't quite seem fair ;)

Large shirt for me please!

Dan Barrett said:
Add Kieran to the invitelist, on the condition he tests using REAL DECKS!!! :P

Kieran Symington said:
The ability to participate in a special games club event almost makes me wish I'd played a real deck in any qualifying event. Almost....
i will have a Large polo shirt pls.
I guess I'll have to play some real magic then. Can I get an XL shirt, please?

Dan Barrett said:
Add Kieran to the invitelist, on the condition he tests using REAL DECKS!!! :P

Kieran Symington said:
The ability to participate in a special games club event almost makes me wish I'd played a real deck in any qualifying event. Almost....
Wild Invocation.dec, or Mass Polymorph?

Kieran Symington said:
I guess I'll have to play some real magic then. Can I get an XL shirt, please?

Dan Barrett said:
Add Kieran to the invitelist, on the condition he tests using REAL DECKS!!! :P

Kieran Symington said:
The ability to participate in a special games club event almost makes me wish I'd played a real deck in any qualifying event. Almost....
I will be attending if possible : )

polo shirt size small please.... unless they're already small sizes, then i guess i would need medium
I'm away this weekend, and probably not likely to be back in time to come down and provide a meaningful level of help with testing, but would like a polo shirt please (M) as I'll be at Nats for sure :D

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