I played Legacy last night, it was great. Mostly because most Legacy players are playing terrible decks :)
I managed to go 3 - 1 versus a proper Bant deck, 2 terrible decks and Show and Tell (my loss). I misplayed horribly against Show and Tell by not realizing that you ALWAYS Wasteland a nonbasic and save Sinkhole for the basics when you have both. Pretty obvious but having just crushed the Bant deck that seemingly wasn't running any basics I just didn't think about it.
I really like my deck even though it's just bad Eva Green. The tournaments in San Jose are 10 proxy so it's a little easier on the wallet and I actually managed to make this from my own cards:
I think 3 x Wasteland, 4 x Sinkhole, 3 x Whatever are more important proxies than 3 x Wasteland, 3 x Bayou, 4 x Goyf to play Eva Green and I can't do both. I thought it was going to be Hymn but Sinkhole was my best card all night. Of course the G also lets me sideboard Krosan Grip which would have been massively relevant in 3 of my rounds.
My rounds all lasted less than 15 minutes, even with all the Top-ing that the Show and Tell player was doing. I think my favorite discovery was that Daze is absolutely terrible against this deck.
I know this deck isn't Tier One but it's awfully fun. Just flat out winning games on Turn 1 or 2 and watching your opponents top deck nonlands while you beat them with a Hippie who takes the card they drew is great. Someone should lend it to Gary, or a Tier 1/2 version.
I need some artifact/enchantment destruction that preferably works on Top in mono B. Am I out of luck?