Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Here are the PTQs!


I really like Modern so will be trying to go to all the PTQs I can and will probably be driving. Even tempted to go to Glasgow! :o


21st Jan - Manchester - Fan Boy 3 
18th Feb - Dublin - Gamers World 
3rd March - Glasgow - Spellbound Games

10th March - Cambridge 
17th March - Leeds - Patriot Games
24th March - London - Dark Sphere 
31st March - Cardiff - Firestorm Games

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Glasgow you should definitely run the train for, probably leeds and manc too.


I'll just attend London by the looks of things

Also will be building a bunch of gauntlet decks for testing if anyone is interested in doing so?

I've been playing a port of old Extended Martyr online with added Emeria and Sun Titan.  I like the hopelessness.  Although the game I had to grind out against White Weenie with sideboard Stonecloaker and win by decking is time I will never get back.  Later I saw there were 4-2 or better Worlds decks with Martyr but I haven't adapted their tech yet.


Are you playing Wild Nacatl?  I like Gifts-Zoo with the usual Zoo + Gifts + Iona + Unburial Rites.  Doopid.


Martyr seems well-positioned against a field full of Zoo. Did you have the Mistveil Plains Tom?

Then you play Teachings and you die.  It's pretty sad.  Also RU is pretty funny.  I try to make Runed Halo naming Pestermite and Deceiver Exarch, which does almost nothing and you basically cannot win, and then it turns out they are playing Storm with Grapeshot and you cannot lose.

i'm gonna go ahead and just play living end cus it doesn't seem to have any bad matchups (except burn which can be avoided by winning your first round)

Plus you get to hardcast Deadshot Minotaur and Ridge Rannet in an Eternal format.  Scary monsters!

hardcasting monstrous carabids is extremely satisfying!

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