Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Avacyn Restored

It's a standalone large set like Rise, which is cool.

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Yeah it should be fun, although this means cards from Dark Ascension are gonna be soo expensive!
Hope there aren't many legacy/modern staples there! 

The Eternal Pessimist. 


I think it will be a radical draft format.

So Avacyn is Restored and all the monsters and ghosts and what not have gone.  And there's no reason to fight any more.   So now you have to play lands, and farming cards, and happy villager cards.  And the first one to 100 happiness points wins.  And it's like Agricola.

Seems like they are running out of new things to do block/story-wise (though new cards/mechanics continue to be great).

There is nothing happy about the peasants struggle to feed his family in Agricola!

Liking the fact that it's a stand alone set but the name is a bit lazy.. Alara Reborn, New Phyrexia, Avacyn Restored... come on R&D surely there's other themes than the death and subsequent rebirth of a world!

It's also a very undramatic name.  "Everything is back like it was and fine now."  Which actually *encourages* me because I think it means there is something thematic about the set that makes this tame name good somehow.  And I like surprises.  Happiness Points!

I can't wait to see the pre-release achievements card for this:

- Console your mana-screwed opponent with a hug

- Shake hands after losing a game.

- Lend a die, counters, or a pen to a neighbouring table.

 Mark Rosewater 

We're doing things to connect  to  &  but DFC's didn't make sense with what happens in . I can't explain why yet
See!  They would have had to put the Happiness Points embossed silver badge on both sides and that would have made the cards too fat for sleeves!

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