Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Hey guys,

I've just discovered that a pub round the corner from me (The Assembly House) runs regular Starcraft 2 tournament screenings - I wonder if enough of us expressed an interest, whether they would consider doing something similar for a Pro-Tour webcast? 

Shout if you're interested, and I may give them an email about PT Honolulu - the timing for that is 10 hours behind GMT, so a webcast would be 6-11pm - perfect drinking time!

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I assume they run the Sarcraft tournaments because it brings in a good (although somewhat odious) crowd. I can't really see the same happening for a Magic tournament. If the pub was actually a good pub ie; good food and beer etc, then you would probably want to go there anyway rather than having a gimmick that would draw an esoteric sub-section of society to the establishment.  

I think you're missing the point. We all like watching Magic, why not do it together at a drinking hole rather than at home on our computers not together?!

Because my home isn't 20 something miles away.

Dan Barrett said:

I think you're missing the point. We all like watching Magic, why not do it together at a drinking hole rather than at home on our computers not together?!

Okay, but there are a lot of us who do live in London just a short tube ride away. 


I'm in favour of this. There will be a lot more video coverage next year, I'm not sure if that is good or bad wrt this.

It's ok for you because it's 'just around the corner'

Dan Barrett said:

Okay, but there are a lot of us who do live in London just a short tube ride away. 


I don't understand what you are trying to say.  Something not being conveniently located for you does not make it an inherently bad idea. 

You know what - you're right, it's a great idea. Just trying to piss on your bonfire ;)

Yeah sounds like fun - bring some games along, get the beers in :D

kentish town is so far north it's basically beyond the wall

the berlin wall or hadrians? 

Philip Dickinson said:

kentish town is so far north it's basically beyond the wall

I guess that makes me Mance Rayder then.

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