Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

In the spirit of recapturing my youth of amassing boxes of unpainted/terribly painted citadel miniatures, failing to ever learn the game, then selling them at 5% RRP at a car boot sale, I've decided to give the games workshop games and in particular Warhammer Fantasy another crack. 

Any closet games workshop fans fancy giving me a run through of the game some time? 

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Not played either since childhood, but the guys at the GW store on Oxford St are all super friendly, and if you ring up you can arrange a painting/game lesson (free if you buy something while you're there). A while ago I bought some models and paints from there as something to do at home on non-Magic weekends, but there haven't been many of those recently!

I think my dad recently got rid of mine and my brothers old GW stuff.

We always used to pick it up at car boot sales, and just got paints from the store. This meant we had a bizarre smattering of all sorts, but I mostly have fond memories of Epic (40k on a mass scale), and Bloodbowl. We didn't really play either of the main table top games (40k and Fantasy Battle) that much.

Considering how pricey it was even 20 years ago, I hate to imagine what the cost is now!

warhammer fantasy is actually a pretty sweet game but as has been said it's pretty expensive. if you think you'll be able to find people to play them with i'd suggest some smaller games (Infinity, Malifaux, etc) as they are much cheaper have nice modern rules.

edit: my official response to this thread is "ugh get some real hobbies like SPORTZ you fukkin nerds"

Epic and blood bowl were my cup of tea back in the day, I found the WH40K rules to be a bit too woolly especially with improve scenery. Too many arguments over what LOS actually meant etc

bloodbowl is/was an awesome game

Oh god, I actually think I have an unpainted Chaos army somewhere. Complete with noise marines \m/

They used to be a legitimate game company, and did release some great games when I was young that I played a few times (Space Hulk, Blood Bowl, Space Crusade, Talisman, Man-O-War, Necromunda) - then they stopped making good things and started concentrating on the things I had no interest in (army-based wargames).

Blood Bowl was probably my favourite game they made. Plus they released a PC version identical to the tabletop game in every way.

Yeah it certainly isn't cheap!

I popped into the store the other day and got chatting to the (maybe a bit over-friendly) guys who worked there, and at the oxford st store they run a intro night for "adults only" on tuesdays.  Apparently there are a lot of nineties kids like us who go back to Games Workshop games when they are old enough to actually grasp the rules of the game.  Anyway I've got some models and some paints so if anyone wants to join me in getting up to speed, it would be good to have the company.  Dan - are your models for Warhammer Fantasy?

No, 40k, but I'm not collecting an army or anything so can do whatever I like the look of. When there is a non-Magic Saturday soon I'll have to meet up with you for some painting then!

Tried to play 40 k ages ago but realised it took half a day to set up minatures agree on lists and make the first two turns, after which you pretty much gave up ! Do have a bunch of minatures painted though, so if you need advice on how to paint can help hemp you out ! Basically undercoat everything then ink what you paint gave some fairly decent outcomes !

got the rules for malifaux if you are intrested in that too ?

Necromunda - this was the best game by far. 

Kieran Symington said:

They used to be a legitimate game company, and did release some great games when I was young that I played a few times (Space Hulk, Blood Bowl, Space Crusade, Talisman, Man-O-War, Necromunda) - then they stopped making good things and started concentrating on the things I had no interest in (army-based wargames).

Blood Bowl was probably my favourite game they made. Plus they released a PC version identical to the tabletop game in every way.

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