Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

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Whats JoCo's deal then Tiff? Never heard of him.
He does geek-based acoustic guitar humour songs, probably best known for "Still Alive", the end theme from Valve's "Portal"

Ben Titmarsh said:
Whats JoCo's deal then Tiff? Never heard of him.
joco primer:

pretty much as per Dan's description. Not nearly as good or funny as yer Tim Minchin (who I also have tickets to. WOO.), but 347 times more geeky. Is that a good thing? Yes. i think so. Musical humorz. Win.

Such is life.
I am going to throw a name out there - Stephen Lynch
He's an american singing comic and is awesome, don't listen if easily offended. check him out on itunes.
Saw him live last year and was blown away (had never heard of him)

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