Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Shenanigans report requested.

No one relieved themselves in my hall this year, so that's a plus to begin with.

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Tom a brilliant plan, brilliant entertainment for the hostile crowd aswell

Tom Reeve said:
I think a 1-pint penalty would be an appropriate remedy. First to finish it has their version of the life total stick.

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
the big issue is that this is a fun event, at a higher level event I think you both get a warning or even a game loss as there really is noway for the judge to clarify who is correct, it is not fair to assume that either player is right as either of you could be mistaken but it obviously makes a huge difference to the game who is correct.

As far as I'm concerned both deserve slaps with the wet fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that will sort the men from the boys
Daniel Royde said:

Amidu said:
Any half decent judge would say if you cant agree garys record is correct.

Daniel Royde said:
Life total discrepancy: I had Gary on 12, he had himself on 16. I attacked with a 10/10 trampler, he didn't block, I pumped it +3 for the win. Me:"You're dead", Gary:"I'm on 3."
Jason asked Ben Lei to sort it out, he hasn't been judge trained- it took a long while to get nowhere. Then Jason came over to fix it, this was also taking a long time.
In this instance I was more patient than Gary.

Short version- it was a totally lame situation, I'm sorry Gary that it spoiled your evening. I hope things were better for you afterwards.

It wasnt your fault. Rob is correct (obv) and I did point this out to Jason. Reason, its in the rules.

I didnt appreciate Jason having a go at me about holding up the round for the second year in a row. Last year I had someone cheat me (yes in an event with no real prizes to speak of). This was confirmed at Tom Bakers house afterwards by the other guy he got to sign the slip. This year it wasnt my fault that someone decided to send over an untrained person to sort it out rather than deal with it quickly.

Patience is not something I have a lot of especialy after 6 pints and a couple of chardonays.
We'll have to have a rematch so I can beat you fair and square ;)
I like the idea of the down a pint to see who's "right", though against you Gary, I think I'd probably concede the game at that point :)
You usually beat me anyway. Also despite how much I drink im rubbish at downing pints :(

Daniel Royde said:
We'll have to have a rematch so I can beat you fair and square ;)
I like the idea of the down a pint to see who's "right", though against you Gary, I think I'd probably concede the game at that point :)
Paul managed to miss the last train home.... appently he left the venue sometime after midnight and arrived at the train station at around 3.30am and has no idea what happened inbetween.
I had a good laugh and it was great to see everyone. I got very drunk and ran out of money after spending it all on magic singles but played on and even though was running a nice mono black deck I got my ass handed to me. And yes i saw breasts. Fun night by all

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