Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Cube Masters Series | Building The Cube | Multicolour

Philosophy of Multicolor
The multicolour section needs to be extremely focused, as there are so many quality multicolour cards in existence. I've tried to support aggro, midrange and control in the multicolour section, offering the most powerful cards for each across the colours.
I'm not sure the current list is correct however, so feel free to rip it apart!


Multicolour (35)

Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Venser the Sojourner

Shadowmage Infiltrator
Oona, Queen of the Fae
Agony Warp

Bituminous Blast
Sarkhon the Mad
Murderous Redcap

Boggart Ramgang
Bloodbraid Elf
Giant Solifuge
Sarkhan Vol

Qasali Pridemage
Kitchen Finks
Loxodon Hierarch
Mirari's Wake

Stillmoon Cavalier

Pernicious Dead
Maelstrom Pulse

Trygon Predator
Mystic Snake
Simic Skyswallower

Prophetic Bolt
Fire // Ice

Ajani Vengeant
Lightning Helix

Figure of Destiny


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At the moment it all seems a bit unstructured and mixes up hybrid and gold cards (which do very different things balance-wise.)


Maybe this as a possible structure for a 35-card section?


One of each hybrid combination - 10

Three of each allied-colour pair - 15

One of each enemy-colour pair - 5

Five three-colour cards - 5


I'll post more actual suggestions a bit later when I have a chance (as far as actual cards go.)

I'd recommend against favoring allies over enemies. The enemy color pairs are actually the strongest, I think- look at Vindicate, Deed, Ajani Vengeant... I think it'd be unfortunate to cut Maelstrom Pulse but still run Absorb. 


I've tried to run a hybrid section separate from multicolor, and I don't think it adds much. In some pairs (like UR and BG) there is basically no hybrid card that will match the quality of the rest of your cube. I'm assuming you are planning to balance the pairs, right? Something like 3 x 10 + 5 shards?


As for individual sections-


UW: Maybe Venser or Grand Arbiter here. GAAIV is a really backbreaking card in that deck, and Venser is a cute build around. I think either of those is stronger than Absorb (really a blue card anyway...) and maybe the Guildmage as well.


UB: If you cut one, probably Undermine? That's one of those weird cases were the life loss is actually not as good as life gain. 


BR: This section is so tough, but I'd fit Terminate in somehow.


RG: There's also Stormbind. This is another really tough section, but I think Burning-Tree is weaker than the others. 


GW: Qasali Pridemage and Finks are the staples, I think, with Loam Lion not far behind. You could also look at Behemoth Sledge or Mirari's Wake. 


WB: There are better options than Debtors' Knell. Tidehollow Sculler is great disruption for Wb aggro, but I think the best option is Stillmoon Cavalier. Just an immensely problematic card. There's also Desolation Angel.


BG: The three you have listed are clearly the best. I wouldn't worry about Doran (except maybe if you do a three color section as well). It's just hard to get the mana right to play him on time. 


UG: Looks good to me. There's also Spitting Image, but your three are better.


UR: I'd count Fire//Ice here, and run it over Suffocating Blast.


RW: Nailed it. 


If you do a shard section, there's Rafiq, Empyrial Archangel, Sphinx of the Steel Wind, Nicol Bolas, Wild Nacatl, Broodmate...- it skews a little towards control, but you get some nice aggro and midrange guys and I think you would benefit from some reanimation targets. 




I'm not sure I like Kird Ape/Loam Lion - particularly the latter, I think Watchwolf is better if you want to encourage GW aggro.

Multicolour often seems to have people strongly disagreeing with card selection, so im just going to post what ive had good experiences with:


Plumeveil (amazing)

Venser, the Sojourner has'nt been beaten yet in about 15 games. He is randomly really sick.

Grand arbiter


Agree on all, except undermine < Agony warp


Fine. I really like torrent, but thats personal preferences

BTS was very underwhelming, and either of ramgang/giant solifuge are super awesome.


Mirari's wake is busted, really dont like loam lion.


Vindicate > mortify

suffocating blast was too conditonal when you couldnt counter a spell on an empty board you feel kinda terrible, so I cut it for Gelectrode, who is super awesome


the consensus seems to be that Kird Ape and Loam Lion are terrible - but aren't they vital to support agro strategies?



I've drafted aggro a couple times in cube and all the time I've cut Kird Ape, even with and R/G dual in the deck and a fetchland. They are only powerful turn 1, and you want multiples to be able to pull that off. Without a large supply of duals they make RR(or GG, WW) mana cards worse, and in three color decks they won't always hit the 2/3 quickly, especially when running other lands for fixing - or they will just hinder mana development by not allowing you to cast the exact spell on turn 2 without dropping a point of damage.


I agree with Dan that Watchwolf should replace Loam Lion, and maybe Ram-Gang for RG.

Warren Vonk said:

the consensus seems to be that Kird Ape and Loam Lion are terrible - but aren't they vital to support agro strategies?



Kird ape is fine, but GW aggro just doesnt really cut it. I guess you can run lion in zoo based aggro, but then you get shakey mana which cube aggro decks dont really want. On the other hand, mirari's wake is completely bonkers in any GWx/GXw ramp deck.

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