Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

My first time making the prizes in a daily event after failing the first time.
Guy that won was really lucky against me in the final. My own fault, he offered a split but when I checked the replays I saw it was my best match. Obiously going to lose to the best matchup in the final round.

Looking forward to the next set coming out to shake things up a bit.

Also if anyone is interested you can get the whole deck for under 40 tix I think.
Made another 3-1 today too.

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Well in!

(This probably means you are better than me now. Aww...)
What do you mean now?

Seriously though block is the way to go. If I hadn't taken a punt on a premier event I would have another 10 tix. I went 5-2 and didn't make top 8 on tie breakers.
Also wasted 6 packs on a sealed daily and opened a terrible pool. Seriously this was bad. No Myrs at all only 1 bomb in a bad colour and the rest was trash.

So yeah. If I stuck to 2 man ques and daily events I would have more tix than the deck cost

Dan Barrett said:
Well in! (This probably means you are better than me now. Aww...)

Nicely done my friend.


How often do you win when you don't make an early Wurmcoil Engine?


Plenty, the original list didnt have Argent Sphinx and that one card has improved pretty much every match up.


Although the Wurmcoil Engine is amazing and if you play 2 against a red deck its almost always game.

Thomas David Baker said:

Nicely done my friend.


How often do you win when you don't make an early Wurmcoil Engine?


i've been playing monoblue in block as well, it seems pretty good. grand architect is just a sick card

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