Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Where: County Hotel
When: Monday July 5th 6pm (probable)
What: See Below

* You design and submit 45 Magic cards in Magic Set Editor format by Friday 2nd July to
* I print them, or you can if you have the facilities.
* On Monday 5th evening we cut them up, sleeve them and draft them.  (It was pretty boring cutting and sleeving 360 cards last time ... I'll bring a few pairs of scissors and we should be able to do it fairly swiftly prior to the draft.  I made the start time 6pm to allow for this.)
* What can possibly go wrong?

If you want to participate, sign up below.  I'm not particularly interested in limiting it to 8 and would rather include everyone who wants to be included, although possibly interest level is not enough to take us above 8.

Draft A - Color Centric
1. Thomas David Baker (mostly Black)
2. Kieran "Call Me Lola" Symington (mostly Red/White)
8. Gary Lynch (extra Blue)
11. Glenn Goldsworthy (mostly Green)

Draft B - Balanced Sets
9. Simon O'Keefe
13. Warren Vonk
3. Thom Richardson

Not Assigned
4. Ross Miles
5. Ben Titmarsh
6. Daniel Royde
7. Dan Barrett
10. Ed Gamble
12. Rik Powell
14. Paul Hodgson
15. Benjamin Lei

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A few things.

1. I think that a lot of the participants are going to be repeat participants and that they are going to resubmit a number of the cards we had last time but with suggested tweaks. Cards from last time are here:

2. We're going to try and lower the power level somewhat and head more towards a "set" than a "cube" in style/feel.

3. Some people, myself included and all newcomers, are going to submit a mostly or entirely new set of 45.

4. I really want to make a lot of Black cards. In fact, I've made about 30 already. Does anyone else want a color mostly to themselves? Or are a few of you prepared to give me your Black allowance?

5. Our set has very vague themes of "Wizards" and "Zombies" right now. Do we want to tighten any of that up? Set any rules? Suggestions? Does this extend to Mechanics? I think our set definitely has Cycling and almost certainly Flashback - I'm not sure if there's anything more defined than that.
Yay! Sign me up for another go!

I really want to try making another 45, but it would be a bit of a shame to lose all the cards we already made. So how about this? Each time we do it we refine the selection by choosing our favourite cards from the set (maybe everyone gets to pick 10 or so) and we put those cards into a cube. Then when we have enough in the cube we can have a "best of" cube draft with all the best cards from the previous sets. Then any time we do another set we can update the cube with the best new cards.
I'm definatly up for another go, but i probably don't have time to do another full 45 by then so I'm planning to try to unbreak everyting I made (this is a considerbly large task in of itself) and make a few new cards for things I didnt like/ thought were dull.

If everyone wants to do kieran's plan, Ill probably have to skip this time around.

Kieran Symington said:
Yay! Sign me up for another go!

I really want to try making another 45, but it would be a bit of a shame to lose all the cards we already made. So how about this? Each time we do it we refine the selection by choosing our favourite cards from the set (maybe everyone gets to pick 10 or so) and we put those cards into a cube. Then when we have enough in the cube we can have a "best of" cube draft with all the best cards from the previous sets. Then any time we do another set we can update the cube with the best new cards.
I don't think there's any requirement to come up with new cards. Either/or. I've added you to the list.
sweet! let the nerfing begin.
me please
i'm in
Can I haz party sea pate plz?
I'm in - will mainly re-jig existing cards and swap a few in/out.

This means - Legendary Creature - Human will be an important creature type, FYI. A couple will get the wizard subtype also, Tom.
Im in too. Wont be able to make 45 new cards so a few new ones and some tweaks like a few others.

Tom, I will make more blue cards if you want more black.
Sweet, I will make 0 blue cards and extra black. Willing to trade other colors with other folks for more black!

Gary Lynch said:
Tom, I will make more blue cards if you want more black.
I'll give you my black and make some extra red & white cards - I have a theme I'd quite like to get in.

Thomas David Baker said:
Sweet, I will make 0 blue cards and extra black. Willing to trade other colors with other folks for more black!

Gary Lynch said:
Tom, I will make more blue cards if you want more black.

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