Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Im looking to actually spend some money and start playing constructed on modo. Anyone know of any GOOD cheap decks? Block is fine but would prefer standard. Im thinking white weenie but im sure most run Elspeth and I deffinatly dont want to spend that much. Was thinking of running all the white allys as a start. Could possibly play another colour for extra ally goodness.



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How much is the Filigree Angel/Open the Vaults deck?

Maelstrom Pulse is the only crazy expensive thing in Jund if you don't run Garruk. But you need fetches and manlands which are mediumly priced.

Boros is fetches + Ajani V. Next most expensive thing is Path to Exile or maybe Ranger.

Standard will probably not be your initial target I guess. Not too sure where Block is at post-WorldWake as have been playing Standard pretty much exclusively (Nats Qual format).
Open the vaults runs 3 Jace2 :(

Jund, it all adds up, bit too much.

Borros seems bad as Ajaini is about 19 tix each.

Looks like I could find a replacement for Jace in open the vaults or try and stick to block. Not sure how much bloxk vampires is, also not sure how good it is either.
Also what has your nats testing shown to be good?

Thomas David Baker said:
How much is the Filigree Angel/Open the Vaults deck?

Maelstrom Pulse is the only crazy expensive thing in Jund if you don't run Garruk. But you need fetches and manlands which are mediumly priced.

Boros is fetches + Ajani V. Next most expensive thing is Path to Exile or maybe Ranger.

Standard will probably not be your initial target I guess. Not too sure where Block is at post-WorldWake as have been playing Standard pretty much exclusively (Nats Qual format).
open the vaults doesn't need jace. i'm not playing them in my list. note that in the post-san diego interviews with niels viaene he said he would cut them

all the block decks are pretty cheap, minus U/W now that it runs jace. you could probably build U/W Allies, Valakut and Vampires for like 50 tix combined
Just been searching and looks like mono white allies is cheapest and decent too. Gonna build it and see how it goes.

Philip Dickinson said:
open the vaults doesn't need jace. i'm not playing them in my list. note that in the post-san diego interviews with niels viaene he said he would cut them

all the block decks are pretty cheap, minus U/W now that it runs jace. you could probably build U/W Allies, Valakut and Vampires for like 50 tix combined
You could play the deck I run in Standard. It's pretty decent, and practically can't lose to Vamps, Grixis or janky combo decks (even though it is one itself, funny huh). The only card in the deck more than a few ticks is Time Warp (8.5 is the cheapest I've seen for it), but there are budget replacements for it. Depends how much you want to spend overall.
what budget replacement could there possibly be for time warp in a howling mine deck lol
For constructed on MODO I would suggest playing Block, its got a cheaper entry, pays out the same as Standard and most likely to have the weakest players. The best format money wise would be pauper, because you get the best return from selling M10 boosters.
Would have no idea about pauper although I'm sure I heard something about a teachings deck :)

Paul Young said:
For constructed on MODO I would suggest playing Block, its got a cheaper entry, pays out the same as Standard and most likely to have the weakest players. The best format money wise would be pauper, because you get the best return from selling M10 boosters.
Trapfinder's Trick is the specfic budget replacement - it draws you another Runeflare Trap, but won't get you out of bad situations like Time Warp will.

Philip Dickinson said:
what budget replacement could there possibly be for time warp in a howling mine deck lol

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