Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Good day chaps

I am moving house in the next couple of months and don't really want to take huge amounts of magic cards with me, now what is the best way to sell cards? traders (no offense but you don't get a great price), ebay is a lot of effort and sometimes you don't get a great return either.

just wondering if anyone on here has any good ideas.

cheers in advance


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good tournament playable rares/mythics you should be able to sell to other players, but for everything else it is very difficult to shift stuff ---> sell to traders.

Tbh if you ask for trade credit rather than cash the amount you get for them is OK.
yeah but not to sure I want trade credit to be honest as I am not that interested in constructed events. I have a huge amount of cards from the last 4 or 5 sets so if anybody wants anything then just ask (I don't have a jace or baneslayer but I do have lots of the man lands and quite a few other plainswalkers laying about the place).
I reckon you should chuck them all in a folder and bring them to gravesend with the intention of selling them. I'll certainly take a look.
but you have to be careful of actually selling cards inside the venue- you can get banned/told off/spanked for that :-o

saying that i will def have a look at what you have when we are in gravesend and then maybe we can go for a chat outside the venue...

Ben Titmarsh said:
I reckon you should chuck them all in a folder and bring them to gravesend with the intention of selling them. I'll certainly take a look.
I shall do guys, cheers for the help. If anyone wants any specific commons or uncommons just give me a shout
Re the junk comm/uncs that are worth nothing- If it's possible, find a small kid at an event somewhere and give them to him.
can always sell junk cards to mike. doesn't he buy 1000 commons for £1 and 10 rares for £1?

Daniel Royde said:
Re the junk comm/uncs that are worth nothing- If it's possible, find a small kid at an event somewhere and give them to him.
Failing that, do sell them to Mike.

I got 8 quid for a wodge of spare trilands and charms the other weekend.

Daniel Royde said:
Re the junk comm/uncs that are worth nothing- If it's possible, find a small kid at an event somewhere and give them to him.
Its £3/1000 bulk c/uc/land :) but also pay more for better com/unc etc & 3p per foil
I help run the Sci-Fi and Gaming society at my Uni (Uni of Herts), I've been gathering cards that I have too many of (and getting some from other people) for the society to have; this way future members can find out about, build decks, and play Magic with pretty much no barrier to entry. If you have commons/uncommons that you'd like a home for, I can add them to the societies collection.

Daniel Royde said:
Re the junk comm/uncs that are worth nothing- If it's possible, find a small kid at an event somewhere and give them to him.

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