Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK


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whats wrong with your phone?
nothing wrong with my iphone. where you been. seen you appear in chat a few times but you never post anymore.
nothiong really to say - trying to gradually ween myself off magic - havent read starcity for a couple of weeks - nice to check in on dt though to see whats what.

btw is it true u top 8ed a ptq not just some grand hoax?
yep, and q'ed for nats. jund ftw.

I did txt you a few times but never got a reply.
std ptqs r the best!

am just syncing my iphone at the mo and then ill give u a buzz

Gary Lynch said:
yep, and q'ed for nats. jund ftw.

I did txt you a few times but never got a reply.
you know that you games club ban has ended. you could always come down for a beer.
I invited him to the June 8 draft but it must be pretty annoying knowing that you can't play in most events.

I haven't heard back from Wizards yet since I made my latest representation but I did get the guy's out of office so will follow up next week.

Will probably organize a London Magic players petition if that fails to get anywhere.

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