Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

This is about 2 months away now, so I've started doing some preliminary research before I write a travel guide article of sorts.


- If you have any recommendation of places to see/eat/drink that Magic players would enjoy, that are ideally near the venue (and if not, certainly in zone 1), then post away! However be aware that many things nearby are closed on weekends :(


- I was thinking that we could organise something kick-ass awesome for locals and foreign visitors alike Thursday evening. Suggestions/support, anyone? Two ideas I had straight away were a pub crawl ending at Bloomsbury lanes, or maybe dinner out at the Bavarian Beerhouse followed by pool at Elbow Rooms?




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If there's a pub crawl, you should probably included the Cheshire cheese, citie of york etc.

I just took a touristy trip last week, and I can tell you that I saw the following things:


London Eye

Westminster Abbey/Parliament Building

London Bridge

Tower of London/Tower Bridge

British Museum

National Gallery

Sherlock Holmes Museum (didn't actually go in, but saw the outside)


Westfield Mall


with the first four I believe being only a short distance from the venue or, in some cases, within walking distance.  You could also go to Billingsgate Market if you wanted I suppose, though you'd have to be up pretty early to get there.


Edit:  Do you expect that a lot of people will arrive on Thursday evening?

Trying to do a tourist trip with lots of magic players is very hard- everyone walks slowly and is indecisive about everything. Going to a small selection of pubs is a lot easier.


That having been said, I really enjoyed barning and showing a foreigner around london...


If you want to do a pub crawl around the city I can certainly name a load of pubs as I am in them everyday

Nah man - I thought the food was nice. Plus the beer rocks! I'm in favour of this.

Glenn Goldsworthy said:


If you want to do a pub crawl around the city I can certainly name a load of pubs as I am in them everyday

I'm with James, enjoyed it greatly the 3 times I've been there.


However I think we are settling in on the pub(s) -> bloomsbury lanes plan for the Thurs


(though we can always organise Beerhouse again sometime Mills, I know Gary said he fancied it)

beerhouse food has been aweful twice now, I know that you 3 love the sausage but that is a bit much.  I also have the full day off so anyone up for a full day of shenanigans

Bierhaus food is good, although mainly pork oriented! Jason mentioned that the draper room at bloomsbury was £100 an hour to hire, comes with karaoke and pool and is next to the downstairs club area. Considering the Friday is a bank holiday I imagine that the place will be pretty busy and buzzing (although can't predict the quality of the clientele and music!).


Will check availability and minimum spend etc

Yea I got Thurs off also, so definitely would like some games before drinking times.

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
beerhouse food has been aweful twice now, I know that you 3 love the sausage but that is a bit much.  I also have the full day off so anyone up for a full day of shenanigans
What dates are we talking about here - need to get the time off from work.

April 28-May 1


Fri is a bank holiday, you'll only need take off the Thurs.

James Mills said:

What dates are we talking about here - need to get the time off from work.

Sweet - will get this booked


Also I noticed that reading the title would have been handy.

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