Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

me and the kirean 'the daddy' symington played 15 card highlander this tuesday before drafting.  we used cards only from alara bloc, and built decks that were 15 cards and had three sideboard cards.  kieran won a lot with a silly quietus spike deck, which trounced my attempt to sneek inkwell leviathon into play with protomatic powder. 


we are going to do the same thing with shadowmore-eventide bloc next tuseday from about 5pm at the games club.  if you want to join us then adga - do do do. 


you can proxy anything - we used post-it notes that said things like (capsule - for executioners capsule and forest for - forest, because we had to even proxy basic land!)


the rules are findable if you google 15 card highlander and dan 'sharp elbows' baretttt wrote a good article on star city.


there is a banned list - but we banned any mill cards or cards like telemin performance that let you put lots of your oppoenents library into the graveyard.  other cards you see that should be banned we will discuss on this forum.


the final rule is we will be playing in fancy dress.  next tuesday's theme is tarts and vicars. 

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You aren't playing mono scarecrow in this as well are you?
Shhh, don't tell Kieran otherwise he'll be able to arrange some elaborate sideboard plans.

This format is pretty good fun - it's constructed where you pretty much guarantee to see all your cards. Some people consider it an intellectual exercise where it is possible to make a deck featuring multiple convoluted game winning combos. Others play mono-red. As the decks from last week's effort show:


Me                                                   Ross

Devoted Druid                                 Tattermunge Maniac

Bloom Tender                                  Figure of Destiny

Quillspike                                        Mudbrawler Cohort

Umbral Mantle                                 Fulminator Mage*

Elemental Mastery                           Boggart Ram-Gang

Glen Elendra Archmage                    Boartusk Liege

Put Away                                          Flame Jab

Altar Golem                                      Fiery Bombardment


Fire-Lit Thicket                                6 Mountain

Flooded Grove

Cascade Bluffs

Reflecting Pool

2 Forest



* The original list had Ashenmoor Gouger here but it was replaced with this from the sideboard after game 1.


The games went about as you might expect based on those lists. If he killed my early 1-toughness creatures then blew up a land there really wasn't much I could do. I managed to scrape two wins from the five games by getting Quillspike/Druid and Bloom Tender/Umbral Mantle/Elemental Mastery but aggression combined with removal for my combo pieces meant that the other three games went his way pretty easily. Still, this format is definitely recommended as a fun thing to try when you've got a spare half-hour and are fed up with normal constructed formats - and it's dirt cheap to play as well (especially if you do like we did and proxy all the cards using the proxy generator on this very site).

i was also playing flame javelin.  what are we doing this tuesday?
Was there any coverage of the 15 card event at Nats?  (I kinda hope not, since I got the bye in the last round, if you know what I mean...)
Nothing of great detail, I know Rob Wagner posted something on mtguk with his decklist in it.

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