Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

The Games Club is going to run it's own Fantasy Nationals, the winner will play for free at the Zendikar "Regional" Pre-release (1 x Flight, 1 x Booster Draft, 1 x 2HG / Team. 1 x Intro Pack Open Duelling).

Entrants have up to 4 slots to fill on their team - qualified players takes up 1 slot, unqualiifed players take up ½ a slot. A team may consisting of up to 4 qualified players or up to 8 unqualified player (or a combintation of both) with a points total value of 20 points or less.
Only 1 entry per person. If a person enters more than 1 team, then the first entry will be taken as their team for the competition.
Scoring - Points will be scored in the following ways:
1) Each player in a team will gain a point for each point gained in the swiss rounds of the tournament.
2) Each player achieving a win in the knockout stages will gain 3 bonus points.

In the event of a tie, the following will be used to determing the winner:
1) Unspent points.
2) Highest average finishing position.
3) Highest average PGW%.
3) Random draw.

The judges decision will be final.

Entry to the tournament will close on Thurssday, 6th August at 09:45. Entries after this time will not be entered into the tournament.

9 Points
Dan Jenkins

8 points
Craig Jones
Mark Glenister
Stephen Murray

7 points
David Yendall
Gareth Beamish
Neil Rigby
Richard O'Neill
Roy Williams

6 points
Adam Barnett
Bradley Barclay
Daniel Gardner
David Ball *
David Grant
Eduardo Sajgalik
Geoff Fletcher *
Jonathan Randle *
Matteo Orsini Jones
Matthew Moate
Nicholas West
Paul McLachlan
Paul Young (Workington)
Richard Bland
Rob Wagner (Brighton)
Simon P A Marshall-Unitt *
Stuart Wright
Vladimir Komanicky *

5 points
Aaron Cadwallader
Andrew Buchanan *
Andrew Leeder
Barry Dilly
Ben Ronaldson
Benjamin Sanders
Bojan Tamburic
Bruno Panara
Charlie Grover *
Chris Clapton
Chris Green
Chris Vincent
Christian Bateman
Christopher Harrold
Christopher Rossiter
Craig Stevenson
Daniel Godfrey
Daniel Prentice
Daniel Royde *
Daniel Ruiz Martin
Douglas Penman
Gerard Boyd
Graeme f. Mcintyre
Guy Southcott
Iain Bain
Ian T. Pirouet
Ioannis Kyriazis *
Jack Hackett
Jamie ross
Jason Keen
Jason Savage *
Jon Alexander
Kaisa Kajala
Kevin Hecquet
Laurent Lenoir
Marco Orsini Jones
Mark Knight
Mark Lowe
Michael Duke *
Mick Edwards
Nathaniel James
Nicholas A. Clark
Nick Doropoulos
Paul Burton
Pete Norris
Peter Dun *
Richard Moore *
Rob Wagner (Leeds)
Robin Lubarr
Sam Gomersall
Sebastian Parker
Shane Condon
Simon Copp
Simon Hodges *
Simon O'Keeffe *
Stewart Walker
Thomas Duignan
Toby Andersson
Tom Harle

4 points
Adam C. Pocock
Adrian Fraser
Ben Scoones
Chris J. Stocking *
Darren V. Grafham
David Towsey
Edward Ross
Gordon J. Barnes
Gregory Squire
Ian R. Atrill
James Allingham
James Escritt
James Foster
Josh Tovell
Laura M. Dawes
Lian Pizzey
Mark Gyles
Mark Voisey
Matt Parker
Michael Parker
Nicholas A. Lovett *
Noel P. Bresland
Paul Young (London) *
Raymond K. Fong
Richard T. Smith
Robert Stanjer *
Roman Dardaillon
Russ Davies
Shi Feng Teng *
Simon Bouton *
Stefano Gattolin
Steve Bernstein *
Thomas Reeve *
Tim Wheeler
Valentin Mahrwald
William J. Logan
William R. Dunn *
Yew Vern Chooi *

3 points
Andrew Morrison
Carl D. Hensley
Christopher J. Davies
Danial Z. Mior *
James Chilcott
James Corwood
Jeremy Mansfield
John A. Ingham
Laurence Trollope
Luke J. Sabin
Manveer S. Sambra
Marcio M. Saita
Mark J. Lailey
Matt Light
Matthew Trindall
Michael Maxwell
Miles D. Ratcliffe
Neil A. Turford
Nicolo Graziano
Paul Evans
Paul Nonis
Paul M. Richardson
Paul N. Murphy
Peter J. Mottram
Robert D. Elkin
Russell l. Clarke
Samuel Allan *
Stephen McIntosh
Steven Bethwaite
Steven J. Cooper
Tomas Kasinski
Tony Short
Zulkifli Ismail *

2 points
Andrew Devine
Dane Christoffersen
Daniel Ling
David W. Stiles
Dom Harvey
Grzegorz Engiert
Iain Shepherd
Jack Kettle
James Lennox-Gordon
James E. Bullough
James J. McGarrigle
Martin P. Mcgregor
Matt R. Doughty
Matthew A. Reynolds
Paul D. Harris
Philip Dickinson
Richard Plummer
Roque O. Martire *
Simon J. Bainbridge
Thomas Behean
Thomas D. Baker *
Toby Wiltshire

1 point
Dan Barrett *
Ian Down
Lee Costello
Michael Readhead
Michael W. Naulls
Neil Hayes-Webster
Olly Cain
Pablo Gallegos
Richard A. Hart
Simon Lee

0 points
James R. Ritchie
Keir Teasdale
Konstantinos Doropoulos
Paul Laudano *

6 points
No Netterstrøm

5 points
Bastian von Beschwitz
Paul Chalder
Rob Nadebaum

4 points
Adrian G Donnelly
Daniel Zilbershmidt
Glenn Goldsworthy
Jun Feng Jack Ho
Kevin A Goveia
Kevin J O'Connor
Nai Jai Lee
Przemyslaw Nagadowski
Tim R Willoughby
Vladimir Marko

3 points
Amar Dattani
Ben J W Twitchen
Conrad M Williams
Daniel Victor
Gary J Lynch
Izian Sherwani
James A Grover
Leonardo S Sama De Mayo
Martin Dingler
Nathan Heffernan
Paul A Phillips
Paul Thomas Cridland
Thankaron Praiwan

2 points
Andy Bodle
Bao Ho
Ben Titmarsh
Chi A D'Alvarez
David W Groves
Ed Hughes
Florian Esser
Graham A Silver Ford
Ian M Walker
James Fitzsimons
James Mills
Lauri Jalkanen
Lee M Wood
Marek Pieprzyk
Mark D Walker
Martyn J Hampson
Nathan Gotlib
Paul Hodgson
Rayan Alessio
Raymond Wat
Rebecca D Bonfield
Richard J Collins
Richard Nunn
Ross Miles
Tadayoshi Littleton
Tim S Hazlehurst
Warren Vonk
Wei Xu

1 point
Aaron Boyhan
Aidan Davis
Amit Sharma
Ben Taylor
Ben Williams
Bruce Davey
Carey Turland
Clive M Rowe
David Christensen
Ed Payne
Jack Hansard
Jacob Marks
Jake S Woolrich
Jason B Howlett
Karl O'Keeffe
Kyle Roberts
Larry Devis
Max Botten
Nicolas Rastel
Oliver Hill
Paul Randell
Paul Sweeting
Ronnie Tan
Sebastian W Pfahl
Seung Wook Kim
Tomas Kruppa
Tzampouras Pantazis
Zheqi Wang

0 points
Adam Fidler
Adam Wycherley
Alan Barkway
Alex Bowman
Allen M Lister
Andrew Tan
Andrew Wat
Ben Driver
Ben Hale
Ben Shepherd
Bob Whalley
Calvin Wat
Chris M Martin
Christopher Wheeler
Craig Higgins
Daniel J Harborne
Daniel Kerr
Daniel Pedrid
Dave Robertshaw
David Boaler
Deon Hanekom
Emma Sturkey
Ho-man Kwong
Jack Lawson
Jason Payne
Jasper Gold
Jay Harris
John Heatherington
Joseph l Saxton
Keren Aarons
Kevin Thatcher
Kevin Thatcher
Kieran Faul
Kieran Symington
Laughlan Steer
Lawrence White
Lee D Singleton
Lucy Ashby
Luis Henrique Batista
Mackenzie Stratford
Mark Stern
Martin R Cullarn
Matt DePaso
Matt Webster
Matthew Bradley
Matthew Rickard
Matthew Webster
Mysa Al-Fozan
Mysa Al-Fozan
Nam-hyoung Lee
Oscar Kazmeier
Paul Carter
Roy Raftery
Thom Richardson
Ty Robinson
You Zun Zhang

-1 point
Alan Harper
Carl Gabel
Gilbert A Luciano
Graham R Bird
Ho-ming Kwong
Julian Goldberg0
Michael Georgiou
Paul Naicker
Perry Collymore
Tiffany Leek
Tom Brown

-2 points
Willem Buchling

Views: 243

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Replies to This Discussion

Paul Naiker's entry

Stuart Wright 6
Richard Moore 5
Simon O'Keefe 5
Nick Lovett 4
Michael Duke's entry

Stuart Wright 6
Nicholas Lovett 4
Simon O'Keefee 5
Steve Bernstein 4
Charlie Grover 5
Robert Stanjer 4
Stuart Wright 6
Peter Dun 5
Matteo OJ
Thomas Reeve
Peter Dun
Paul Cridland's entry

Stuart Wright 6
Andrew Buchanan 5
Chris J Stocking 4
Nicholas A Lovett 4
Geoffrey White's entry

Craig Jones (8 points)
Laura M. Dawes (4 points)
Russ Davies (4 points)
Robert Stanjer (4 points)
William Dunn's entry

Matthew Moate 6
Aaron Cadwallader 5
Daniel Prentice 5
Tim Wheeler 4
Paul Randell's entry

Raymond Fong 4
Bojan Tamburic 5
Peter Dun 5
Samuel Allen 3
Neil Riby - 7
Simon O Keefe - 5
Chris Stocking - 4

Gary Lynch - 3
Ronnie Tan - 1

And why aren't I even on the list? Although I have said I will work, who knows if I will be needed tomorrow, and if there is a limited grinder, well I have nothing better to do!!!!!!!!
My Team:

Daniel Royde (5)
Michael Duke (4)
Roque O. Martire (2)
Dan Barrett (1)

With my spare 8 points I will buy Gary some chicken, Steve a solid gold Italian Elspeth Cavaliera Errante, Peter a bag of Haribo and a stick of celery and Rob some weed so they will know I was thinking of them.
Mustafa Bharmal's entry

Stuart Wright (6 points)
Matteo Orsini Jones (6 Points)
Nicholas A. Lovett (4 points)
Thomas Reeve (4 points)
Ben Taylor's entry

Matteo Orisni-Jones 6
Stuart Wright 6
Chris Stocking 4

Gary Lynch 3
Jack Hansard 1

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