Any one else look at the rest of the set and think meh?
They previewed a couple of good cards last week but the rest of the set seems pretty unexciting.
I also dont like how much they are pushing milling, you know you will always get paired against the 1 person playing that deck and have no answers :(
What are everyones thoughts on Sorin? Is B/W tokens really going to be a deck? Seems like the deck that Conly woods just won a GP with would own tokens pretty hard.
I know if I open any Sorins they are getting traded for Snapcasters. I have drafted once a week from when Innistrad came out plus a couple of other events and bought a box and I still only have 1 :(
This is just an additional cost of this hobby, travel in London is expensive, food and drink as well and the price for playing this card game has increased greatly - wages haven't gone up to compensate.
We are only talking about drafting let alone the cost of playing in any more events on Saturdays, for instance if I play a prerelease this weekend it will cost upwards of £50, which is a high percentage of my (I'm guessing a lot of peoples) disposable income.
Not trying to argue with you
What I like about the draft format is that there ARE archetypes!
In Shards draft sure, sometimes you want the 1W flying exalted guy really bad, even over a removal spell. But in most (recent?) draft formats you just negotiate your way into some colors and then take the good cards with some curve consideration. And Viashino Skeleton is just Viashino Skeleton and he circles round and round and round.
It just feels like a fun format when almost every card has a use somewhere. Also it has taken more discovering than other formats. Demonmail Hauberk is absolutely nuts in the right deck, Runic Repetition can be a windmill slam, Mulch can be important, forcing Burning Vengeance can help you 6-0 a GP Day 2. Apart from Invisible Stalker there are no Overruns (super-annoying Uncommons). Olivia Voldaren and I suppose a bunch of the other rares are stupid but she is 24x (?) rarer than an annoying Uncommon - I can't ever really remember playing against it.
(Side question: would a draft format without rares actually be better? Or is the occasional build around me rare a crucial part of keeping it fresh?)
Any format where Memory's Journey, Demonmail Hauberk, Back from the Brink, Bitterheart Witch, Dream Twist, Fortress Crab, Full Moon's Rise, Furor of the Bitten, Ghoulcaller's Bell, Gnaw to the Bone, Grave Bramble, Laboratory Maniac, Moonmist, Mulch, One-Eyed Scarecrow, Runic Repetition, Selfless Cathar, Spectral Flight, Traitorous Blood, Typhoid Rats, Unbreathing Horde and Unruly Mob are all playable (and even really good) alongside more obvious picks seems good to me.
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