I am doing this
If anyone needs a lift just let me know and I will happily accomodate.
I would like a lift James. Although I could drive myself if we're short on cars. Where are you going from?
I'm going from Hemel Hempstead (a short train journey from Euston)
What time do you plan to leave?
Think I'll be getting the train (7.45/7.53 from Kings X) so I can go home whenever I'm bored/out of contention, but if you fancy picking me up from train station that would be sweet! :)
I have all the space I willprobably be leaving about 8am and will pick you up from Hemel Train station. I have a free draft so I could come to TGC but I don't finish work until 6. Trying to work out if I have enough time to make it for the draft.
Dan, I was thinking about driving to your flat and picking you up and then taking you back whenever you're bored/out of contention/ you might be late for dinner. Oh no wait, the other thing.
Just to let people know, if you are planning to go to FNM and want a lift to Cambridge - the barriers at Euston and Hemel are open so you don't have to pay the train fare. And you can kip round mine as I have a spare room and a sofa etc.
don't pretend he price isn't "big spoon" for the night (at least that's what Josh said)
James Mills said:
Just to let people know, if you are planning to go to FNM and want a lift to Cambridge - the barriers at Euston and Hemel are open so you don't have to pay the train fare. And you can kip round mine as I have a spare room and a sofa etc.
pick me up from Ipswich, Mills, and give me a deck. thaaaaanks.
yeah mills pick me up from my house and supply me with a fun deck plz
thanks in advance
to be fair, my house is a two minute turn off en route to Cambridge.
Sweet, I'll be at FNM so that shouldn't be a problem, I'm going to make up that delver deck that did well so even if I don't make it in time to draft I can test a bit of modern.
I can help out with cards where I can I have a load of dual lands and other random things from ages ago.
Tom: What's the dillio?
Louie: you coming?
Rebecca Bonfield said:
As discussed on Saturday I would like a lift to Cambridge. Mills if I come with you I would like to stay over the night before to avoid having to get up at some god forsaken hour of the morning.
However if Tom is going to drive I'd rather get a lift with him if possible as he lives near me.
I was looking at the recent Modern decklists and should have most of a couple of different decks to lend people. I'll go through my collection and put up a post saying what decks I have and what I might be missing from each.
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