Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I am doing this


If anyone needs a lift just let me know and I will happily accomodate.

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Kieran you don't need to get up at 6.  Closer to 7.  And you can play any old crap because you are Kieran and that is what you do.  Play your Standard turbo-fog.  There might be spare decks floating around ... Rebecca seems to be doing a fair impression of a card shop.  Come to tgc tonight and find out.

Louis - see you at tgc for muchos borrowing and requisite amounts of gratitude.

Louis is the new Stanjer, Baker is going to adopt him, calling it now.

I have my own parents

You can always go to FMN and stay at mine after - I'm driving to Cambridge and have 2 free spaces due to Nick and Roy not making it.

Kieran Symington said:

I would go to this but have no idea about modern, no deck and no real desire to get up at six on a Saturday. Will probably attend the London one though if I can come up with an amusing enough deck.

You think that will stop him?!

Louis Mackie said:

I have my own parents

Modern Highlander should definately be a real format!

I guess I could be persuaded to attend. Will probably come to FNM tonight to see what this whole Modern thing is all about.
Don't know if you will read this mills, but i have reconsidered my position and would appreciate a place to crash, and a lift as I now have a deck I have cobbled together.

James Mills said:

You can always go to FMN and stay at mine after - I'm driving to Cambridge and have 2 free spaces due to Nick and Roy not making it.

Kieran Symington said:

I would go to this but have no idea about modern, no deck and no real desire to get up at six on a Saturday. Will probably attend the London one though if I can come up with an amusing enough deck.

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