I am no deck building genius but the new set is very underwhelming. Once again I don't think there is a single card I want for constructed.
It seems like there are 1 or 2 cards that will see play in existing decks but nothing that will really change the format.
I guess this is a good thing for me money wise and the fact I don't need to rebuild my deck, but this is the second set in a row I have felt like this. Guess this means I should start saving for the next set as all the good control type cards must be in that.
Does anyone else have a different opinion?
Deputy of Acquittals
I dont remember Whitemane Lion shaking up standard in its time, It saw some play but its not amazing.
I am skipping this pre release and dont mind at all.
Voice of Resurgence.
You're skipping a prerelease because a set doesn't have any Standard cards. What has a prerelease got to do with Standard?
Am I the only one that still thinks prereleases are the best bit?
No I am skipping it because I have other events to play in for the 2 weeks after and cant justify playing magic 6 weekends in a row.
I don't rate Voice of Resurgence at all either. Unless someone makes a dedicated token deck that can get lots of tokens on the field its just not good enough. I don't care if my opponent makes a 2/2, I also don't care when I revelation at the end of his turn and he gets a guy because I am going to untap and wrath the board. Yeah they get a 1/1 after but I don't think that's a big deal.
The problem that card has is that tokens are too easy to hose if they become a deck, take the new golgari card for example where you can use it as a 3 mana wrath against tokens.
I usually drift on a Sunday if I've had a heavy Saturday
Daniel Royde said:
Present releases have improved a lot recently, but still no draft... OTOH my attempts to get people to drift on Sunday of PR weekends usually fail :(
nope - i think its the best bit too!
Thomas David Baker said:
Voice of Resurgence.
You're skipping a prerelease because a set doesn't have any Standard cards. What has a prerelease got to do with Standard?
Am I the only one that still thinks prereleases are the best bit?
Prereleases are awesome. Depending on where and when it's occuring I'd consider drafting sunday
I love prereleases, and the RTR block ones have been the best ones since they stopped the giant London prereleases. I haven't much liked RTR or Gatecrash, but the 'choose a guild' idea was genius.
I am not playing in this prerelease but looking at this one it would seem very much that deck building will be all about oppening enough gates and playing your best cards not a huge amount to it, I am sure I will be proved wrong but that's the way it looks
Kieran Symington said:
I love prereleases, and the RTR block ones have been the best ones since they stopped the giant London prereleases. I haven't much liked RTR or Gatecrash, but the 'choose a guild' idea was genius.
So in an interesting turn of events Estelles friend called on Saturday and wanted to go out so I ended up playing the last flight of the day.
I felt like this was the hardest deck building I have ever had at a prerelease. Everyone had a shit ton of fixing so you could literally play any card. What made it difficult was building a mana base that was actually good. I ended up playing 4 gates and 2 cluestones despite being a bit of an aggressive deck. It worked out fine because I had a lot of extort guys so playing a creature a turn later was not as bad as it would have been if I had been a proper aggro deck.
Ended up 2-1 (only 3 rounds was a bit sad) only losing to someone who had Aurilla (?), some creature that basically let him control combat and the creature you can sac to deal X damage. My deck was pretty sweet though as I ended up being Esper splashing a 3 damage spell and Ral Zerek.
My 3 prize boosters were rubbish but I can live with that after opening a planeswalker. Was tempted to sell him as it would have meant I paid 0 for my prerelease but decided to keep it as its something I may play after the format rotates.
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