Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

  • Japan Yuuya Watanabe (2012 Players Championship winner)
  • Czech Republic Stanislav Cifka (Pro Tour Return to Ravnica winner)
  • United States Tom Martell (Pro Tour Gatecrash winner)
  • United States Craig Wescoe (Pro Tour Dragon's Maze winner)
  • Russia Dmitriy Butakov (2012 Magic Online champion)
  • United States Josh Utter-Leyton (2012–13 Player of the year)
  • Brazil Willy Edel (Top Pro Points, Latin America)
  • Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian (Top Pro Points, Asia Pacific)
  • United States Eric Froehlich (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • United States Ben Stark (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • Japan Shuhei Nakamura (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • United States Brian Kibler (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • Israel Shahar Shenhar (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • Czech Republic Martin Juza (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • United States David Ochoa (Top Pro Points, at-large)
  • United States Reid Duke (Top Pro Points, at-large)

Pick three players and nominate one of them as your captain (for tiebreaking). 3 points for each win in the World Championship (including the Sunday).

That is some line up even without PV and LSV. How do we go about drafting it? Pick your top 3 including a captain for tie breaks and allow dupes? Or 1-8, 8-1? was quite fun at the last pro tour so let's do something similar for the World Championship.

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I would but I'm going to be playing in the win a box GPT in Hemel

Levi Hinz said:

Is there any interest in World Cup viewing, pizza eating,  and/or drafting on Sunday?  I'm quite a fan of setting up the webcast on a big screen and hanging out watching it.

Webcast starts at 8am.  I believe its World Magic Cup QF-SF-F, followed by World Championship SF - F.

We were talking about doing this at mine (Pimlico) although we hadn't made a solid plan.

Confirmed with the missus that we can do this at mine. (Laptop into 40" TV, two sofas, assortment of other uncomfortable chairs.) If people are interested?

Or there's that esports bar thing which might show it???

I'm more than happy with an at-home affair.  And Pimlico seems pretty convenient!



Depends what I do Sat eve I guess, but I may well join you all Sunday.

I could be free and interested in this!

Cool. Mr. Royde was also talking about showing up to cheer on the inevitable English victory.

Any other takers? I need rough numbers to tell the caterers :)

Put me down as a maybe, negotiations are underway!

I will be there!

I would be in, but I'm in France this weekend, have fun!

I may well be able to make it over, what time is this all kicking off? 8AM sunday?!

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