Just wanted to make a quick post about the Legacy event that happened yesterday.
17 players turned up for the event. I feel we could have got few more if it wasnt the same time as worlds.
I wasnt going to play but Paul gave me a deck (thanks) and despite 2 close games I was 0-2. Usually this is the time I would consider droping but I was actualy enjoying playing Magic so I decided to stay in.
Got a bye the next round :( Won the next then got paired up for the final round. Despite my horrible misplay costing me game 1 I managed to take down the next 2 and make the top 8.
OBV I lost here :( Wasnt really anything I could do as it seemed like a horrible match up.
I feel legacy is a much better format than standard and extended. Despite the more powerful cards it seems like there are a lot of different deck or variations on themes. Despite not having played much it also feels like you are more able to tweek your (nipples?) bad match ups more than any other format.
The only question I had with the tournament was why were the prizes Magic Madhouse store credit and not cash?