Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK


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I played a guy in the final of an ROE draft yesterday and while I was waiting I watched his previous matches. He used Emerge Unscathed at a pivotal point in literally every one of his wins. I should have thought of it in Constructed.

James Mills said:
I sat next to Charlie during one of his matches vs Jund. It was so brutal! I think his opponant was dead on turn 3 or 4. Something like Lynx - Kiln Feind - Bolt you - ES on KF in response to Terminate.
Nice deck!
I only lost to the mirror all day which was annoying.
I only lost to the to guy charlie beat in the final.

I went 5-0-2 in the swiss and then lost the semi-final game 3 to 3 spreading seas!

James Mills said:
I sat next to Charlie during one of his matches vs Jund. It was so brutal! I think his opponant was dead on turn 3 or 4. Something like Lynx - Kiln Feind - Bolt you - ES on KF in response to Terminate.

Nice deck!

I only lost to the mirror all day which was annoying.
Welldone Charlie, it's about time a player from London win a PTQ. It seems MK is really good for Charlie as well as Jason, am I correct that MK is where you both Q for the Nat.?

Jason Savage said:
I only lost to the to guy charlie beat in the final.

I went 5-0-2 in the swiss and then lost the semi-final game 3 to 3 spreading seas!

James Mills said:
I sat next to Charlie during one of his matches vs Jund. It was so brutal! I think his opponant was dead on turn 3 or 4. Something like Lynx - Kiln Feind - Bolt you - ES on KF in response to Terminate.

Nice deck!

I only lost to the mirror all day which was annoying.
Yeah, Kevin commented on that too on the day :). Currently 12-1 in constructed tournaments there...
Thanks for coming guys. Congratulations Charlie. I don't think I've seen two such one sided matches as the ones you played in the semi-final and final.
Yeah, the finals was abit anticlimactic really. I had below average draws but he did basically nothing but make jace both games...
Congratulations Charlie!
Mk has been good to me, but better for Charlie!
He is 12-1-3 and I am 9-1-4, four ID's!

Louis Mackie said:
Congratulations Charlie!
I've also top 8ed 50% of the events i've attended in MK. A GP Trial and the random win a box of Zendikar thing, getting to the semi's both times. Scrubbed pretty hard last time for the Nats Q with Time Sieve though :s
Heres me setting how well Charlie I had done at MK and I get it wrong! I missed one of my own wins!

He is 12-1-3 and I am 10-1-4, four ID's!

Jason Savage said:
Mk has been good to me, but better for Charlie!
He is 12-1-3 and I am 9-1-4, four ID's!

Louis Mackie said:
Congratulations Charlie!

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