Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I'm trying to build a cube that will be ridiculously fun to draft.  One way I'm attacking the problem is thinking about what decks are fun to draft or play against in other formats.  Either cubes or Block formats.

I was in an MTGO ZZZ draft where a guy had taken Conqueror's Pledge and Felidar Sovereign and then every Sunspring Expedition, Landbind Ritual, Bold Defense and Narrow Escape he'd seen.  He even made Noble Vestige look alright.  His deck was nearly good enough but not quite.  But I appreciated the effort.  Making games go pretty much to time every time in such a fast format was quite cool.

I really loved my Teachings cube deck on Monday night with Oath of Druids, Simic Sky Swallower, Sundering Titan, Vorosh and Oona (and no other creatures) plus Traumatize, Zombify, Frantic Search, Teachings and Makeshift Mannequin.  Let's just say that the sequence (me) Consult the Necrosages, discard Sundering Titan EOT (he) Persecute naming Blue taking Tidings and 2 other cards leaving lands and one spell (me) Zombify Sundering Titan destroying two of his four lands is what we call ggs.

I really liked drafting WGr aggro in Shards when it all came together (infinite exalted and overpowered two drops plus red removal, basically, with Sledge if you get really lucky).

But a lot of you guys have experience of a lot more formats and cubes than me.  So share your archetypes or cards-to-build-around or ideas on what shouldn't exist in a format.

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Baker you are the best.
oh man i forgot about spellbombs.dec in triple mirrodin! playing like 12 lands in limited owns

The only problem I can forsee with this 'fun draft decks' cube is that most of the archetypes that have been suggested or may appear in it will tend to not play well with others. Basically these kind of weird decks occur when you manage to accumulate a certain number of like cards that are poor in regular archetypes. Putting these decks in may force drafters to only be able to play 8-12 different decks from the cube, the usual joy of seeing bizarre and new decks emerge might not be present.

Lashdraft, Storm, Dampen Thought are good examples of these linear decks as they all contain cards that are pretty worthless in any other draft deck. Something like cycling is fine as all the spells are fairly good by themselves.

Also if you are sticking with the highlander nature of most cubes, there may not be enough cards to actually make some of these viable, as they used to rely on getting multiples of 'bad' cards. I know your not scared of deviating from the norm so perhaps multiple copies of key enablers might be in the cube.
That Ginger One said:
Baker you are the best.

So my mother always tells me :S

> The only problem I can forsee with this 'fun draft decks' cube is that most of the archetypes that have been > suggested or may appear in it will tend to not play well with others.

I agree. I don't think it's a case of jamming in the exact cards for 8 different busted draft decks. I'm just trying to get a feel for what people have had fun drafting and see if that inspires anything good.

I actually might be more inspired to have us create a set ourselves rather than create a cube. Or both.

(Regardless what happens as a result of this discussion we /should/ probably all make a set at some point on DT and draft it at tgc.)
Would this even be possible? Maybe if you got some people to do design and some people to do development. Kind of like how Wizards make their sets......

Thomas David Baker said:
we should probably all make a set at some point on DT and draft it at tgc.)
My first card for the custom set will be a reprint. Got to be Teachings :)

Thomas David Baker said:
That Ginger One said:
Baker you are the best.

So my mother always tells me :S

> The only problem I can forsee with this 'fun draft decks' cube is that most of the archetypes that have been > suggested or may appear in it will tend to not play well with others.

I agree. I don't think it's a case of jamming in the exact cards for 8 different busted draft decks. I'm just trying to get a feel for what people have had fun drafting and see if that inspires anything good.

I actually might be more inspired to have us create a set ourselves rather than create a cube. Or both.

(Regardless what happens as a result of this discussion we /should/ probably all make a set at some point on DT and draft it at tgc.)
Making a set discussion continued here:

Still interested in your favorite ever draft deck/archetype/card/formats ...

Kieran Symington said:
Would this even be possible? Maybe if you got some people to do design and some people to do development. Kind of like how Wizards make their sets......

Thomas David Baker said:
we should probably all make a set at some point on DT and draft it at tgc.)
Complex Cube was the best draft format ever. It's just fun to try and put together interesting decks from bad cards. Unfortunately, some of the drafts were ruined when good cards somehow ended up in the packs.
T4 Bloodbraid Elf into dude, trade it in combat.
T5 bear, pass... counter opponents creature and return BBE with Soul Manipulation.


4/5 colour ridiculous stuff in Shards block was awesome.

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