Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

My girlfriend kindly pointed out to me that the Gravesend event is only 2 weeks after the Pre Release. As im not working at the moment I will probably only make the PTQ.


Any have any ideas about constructed now the full spoiler is available? Im almost definatly playing Jund as its all I have the cards for. Any ideas on what needs to change?


Anyone up for some testing during the next 2 weeks? Daytimes and early evenings are best for me as I cant really get away with playing any more magic at the weekends than I have been already.

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Not that i'm a particular advocate of this deck, but here's a good result....[C1]=std&start_date=2010-03-21&end_date=2010-03-28&event_type=STA5&city=Orlando

Gary Lynch said:
Show me GOOD results. Not some crappy nowhereville tournament.

Dan Barrett said:
Yet it still continues to post good results, despite the sage Lynch's damning.

Gary Lynch said:
No I think that is still bad.

James Mills said:
Polymorph seems pretty good...
it would probably just be worse than jund though
me thinks that the 2 huge eldrazi guys 12/12 and the 15/15 one I think has pro all colours and the other is indestructable would work just as well as iona in the polymorph deck and also the deck gets a better counter in the UU counter that returns a land. Been trying to work out this deck as it is absultely brutal when it hits and the new set makes it a lot better
The reason I would rather try Summoning Trap over Polymorph is that you can then run other creatures that are maybe not as game winning.

I guess both are worth a try, I just dont see Khalni Garden as a card I want to play in standard.

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
me thinks that the 2 huge eldrazi guys 12/12 and the 15/15 one I think has pro all colours and the other is indestructable would work just as well as iona in the polymorph deck and also the deck gets a better counter in the UU counter that returns a land. Been trying to work out this deck as it is absultely brutal when it hits and the new set makes it a lot better
I agree you want to be playing noble hierarch, birds and other mana men so you can ramp into trap with counter backup.

you just need to work out the optimal number of fatties needed in the deck so you can guarantee finding one with each trap...

Gary Lynch said:
The reason I would rather try Summoning Trap over Polymorph is that you can then run other creatures that are maybe not as game winning.

I guess both are worth a try, I just dont see Khalni Garden as a card I want to play in standard.

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
me thinks that the 2 huge eldrazi guys 12/12 and the 15/15 one I think has pro all colours and the other is indestructable would work just as well as iona in the polymorph deck and also the deck gets a better counter in the UU counter that returns a land. Been trying to work out this deck as it is absultely brutal when it hits and the new set makes it a lot better
You gotta be open to possibilities Gary!

Telemin Performance was never a great card, but when i showed it to Rob in my sideboard recently, he was absolutely creaming over it. Closing off avenues without seeing what's down them seems like a great way to deny yourself opportunities to win more.
Where do you get this crap? What does Telemin Performance have to do with what I feel is a better version of the same type of deck?

Dan Barrett said:
You gotta be open to possibilities Gary!

Telemin Performance was never a great card, but when i showed it to Rob in my sideboard recently, he was absolutely creaming over it. Closing off avenues without seeing what's down them seems like a great way to deny yourself opportunities to win more.
Telemin Performance is pretty funny. I once cast it against U/W for the Iona. My opponent then cast his own Telemin Performance the next turn and milled my whole library. Good times.

I also love Khalni Garden. Polymorph shenanigans aside, I've been enjoying Khalni Garden into Nulltread Gargantuan or teamed up with Vapor Snare in my U/G deck. Plus the one-turn chump blocker is often good by itself.
gary - who stole the jam from your donut
I dont even like Jam :)

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
gary - who stole the jam from your donut
Amar Dattani said:
I agree you want to be playing noble hierarch, birds and other mana men so you can ramp into trap with counter backup.

Isn't there that blue card in worldwake that can remove any number of non-land cards from your library? Just remove the mana men once you hit the right amount of mana.
but then you

a) have to put selective memory in your deck
and b) find and cast it before you can win or stack the top of your library with the creature you want to hit

seems easier to just trap or run no other creatures

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