Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Enemy fetch lands, planeswalkers and a new wrath - could M10 have competition for ultimate money set?

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I might cry. enemy fetches. big fucking sigh. i thought extended might be better than last season. instead its gonna be the same without teps..
Extended was good fun last season, but I don't understand why wizards thinks it shouldn't change!
Eternity Vessel ramp!
Woohoo, those lands are EDH-alicious
My name is Ben Titmarsh and I am an ElderDragonHighlanderic.
Ben I think u need to MAN UP!
I would like to table a motion restricting the tedious overuse of the phrase 'Man up' to those times when it makes ANY GODDAMN SENSE.

stevie_b said:
Ben I think u need to MAN UP!
Fucking signed.

Steve is on a mission to kill it through overuse, while the rest of us (who originated the phrase) are much more keen on it only being used when strictly necessary (someone not getting another beer or coming to an event, etc)

Tom Reeve said:
I would like to table a motion restricting the tedious overuse of the phrase 'Man up' to those times when it makes ANY GODDAMN SENSE.
stevie_b said:
Ben I think u need to MAN UP!
Here here!
I think it would be much simpler if u all manned up.
Whining is no way to deal with guerilla anti-meme tactics.

Man up, guys. Man. Up.
Luminarch ascension is going to rock standard. 2 mana for a cread that can pump out multiple 4/4 fliers a turn? Dear god......

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