Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

You Make the Draft Set Draft - Tuesday June 8th - Sign Up Now

Edit: See the cards from the draft

Where: County Hotel
When: Tuesday June 8th 7pm
What: See Below

* You design and submit 45 Magic cards in Magic Set Editor format by Sunday 6th June (9 days from now) to
* I print and sleeve them.
* On Tuesday 8th evening we draft them.
* What can possibly go wrong?

To participate in the draft you need to commit to creating 45 cards for the 6th June deadline and to be at the County on Tuesday 8th.

Sign up on this thread!

1. Thomas David Baker
2. Ben Titmarsh
2. Gary Lynch
3. Simon O'Keefe
4. Kieran Symington
5. Rik Powell
6. Thom Richardson
7. Dan Barrett
8. Rob Stanjer

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The .mse-set file that you have saved it all to. You can always do File, Save As and put a copy on the Desktop if that is confusing.
Thanks. On its way.
Tom, having some major difficulties installing the leveler and planeswalker packs on my pc, all kinds of errors

If i don't get this fixed in time, can i submit any cards of these types in a text format for you to put in?
So this was a total blast, and I'd happily draft the same cards again once we have tweaked a few for power level and rules clarification.

Tom are you able to export the MSE file into text format so we can see all the cards?

I know Rob mentioned he would go through the file and template everything properly. Then I guess we can discuss certain cards we want to change / really liked/ made us laugh.

Beware the Golgothon...
Indeed, great fun, and my own failure was mostly on not taking enough removal in the drafting portion, although a couple of times i ran into a card that had a pretty abusive power level, a bit frustrating when the majority of cards i created were reasonably fair.

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