Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I've got a copy of Ascension coming in the post shortly, would anyone like to take it for a spin sometime next week when it arrives on my doorstep?

You can familiarise yourself with the rules with this pdf

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most definitely!
I'm there like swimwear
And I just received a surprise copy of this in the post, if anyone wants to give D+D a bash?
sure thing whats the worst that I can catch
you could become a dedicated RPGer...
You might even start LARPing! :o

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
sure thing whats the worst that I can catch
Saying all that I would be up for trying out both games at some point!
I'm up for either, keen to see how Ascension plays out in practise
I will be down tuesday if you have it by then.
This has now arrived in the post!

I'm not around this week in the evenings, but maybe Saturday afternoon or Sunday?
I will be at the release event on Saturday - but am either busy with family stuff or going to Reading on Sunday.
If I miss it hopefully we can get some games in of it another time as long as it pays well!

Dan Barrett said:
This has now arrived in the post!

I'm not around this week in the evenings, but maybe Saturday afternoon or Sunday?
i'd be up for either day
May be along for an hour (6-7) this evening after work.

Please read the rules if you're gonna around, such that we can get going straight away!

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