Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

You can get the whole of Dredge for almost exactly $100 on

The only expensive card in Elves is Gaea's Cradle (3 x $20?) if you play a version without Vengevine.


So I was thinking they might make a good intro to Legacy online for me.


Then again, these decks are both entirely different sets of cards from all other Legacy decks.  So they are standalone, not a path to a more expensive deck later.


And I was wondering how annoying it is to play Dredge or Elf Combo online.  Does the endless clicking give you RSI or does the automating of everything actually make it more pleasant?


I don't think there's another Tier 1 or Tier 1.5 deck for less than a few hundred dollars.




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I bought Enchantress for around $150.  Moat is $4 on Modo!  Let me know when you get a deck and we can have some practise games.

I have a couple of decks (not tier one tho) on MODO, I am yankeedave on there, so give me a shout if you want to test sometime.



That is a really interesting article, I have not read it all yet, but it will help someone into online Legacy.
His Dredge deck costs $160 more than mine.  Underground Seas, Bloodghast and Undiscovered Paradise.

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