Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Far more important than the release of any set, PTQ, or whatever, local legend Gary Lynch is shortly (in the next 2-4 weeks) bound for New Zealand.


Oh, and that's forever, not a holiday or anything.


As such, I propose we have to give him a grand send off, involving games and beer (which we will buy for him).


Potentially next Saturday at TGC - who's down with this plan?

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just draft big green dudes it wins the race so much, ways to work out if the format is pants is giant spider a top 5 pick, if yes waste of space format and it really is in m11

Paul Hodgson said:

Can I borrow your Jaces for Nats then Dan?


Also, isn't coreset draft basically removal + flyers + whatever mediocre card advantage cards they put in there?

Paul - depending on side-event schedule, yes.
You're a legend, need to start testing, Flores' exarch twin list looks to be well positioned at the moment, although I'm sure that M12 will add some spice to the format

Dan Barrett said:
Paul - depending on side-event schedule, yes.
bloody well has to man, yeah his deck looks very good right now

Paul Hodgson said:
You're a legend, need to start testing, Flores' exarch twin list looks to be well positioned at the moment, although I'm sure that M12 will add some spice to the format

Dan Barrett said:
Paul - depending on side-event schedule, yes.
I'd love for the glistener elf deck to be good, but it probably isn't

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
bloody well has to man, yeah his deck looks very good right now

Paul Hodgson said:
You're a legend, need to start testing, Flores' exarch twin list looks to be well positioned at the moment, although I'm sure that M12 will add some spice to the format

Dan Barrett said:
Paul - depending on side-event schedule, yes.

This thread has been derailed to hell and high water!!


As for Saturday, I'm there like a Turn 2 bear Gary!!

Saturday according to TGC website, it's seal deck.


there's also legacy and standard flights too ray.  Well up for sat, count me in for whatever everyone is doing, sealed, draft, legacy... whatever
Im thinking Standard/Legacy flights to begin with then some For Sale, then some other games. Would love to play Agricola again but dont think we will be fit to play that by then. Perhaps Settlers? Or just Cube or Big Green Deck if Warren/Glenn bring them with.
just to chime in on that m12/nationals conversation: does anyone really see anything being printed in m12 that makes jace/mystic decks not still completely overwhelmingly the best decks in the format?

Seeing as this thread has been thoroughly derailed let me just add that the Viscera Seer/Reassembling Skeleton/Act of Treason/Fling deck in M11 was a bit more interesting than previous core set drafts.  Not that I would be caught dead in a non-WU or UB deck in that format but I saw better players than me draft it.


to be fair m11 was way better than m10 so the hope is they continue the progress made and make enough new cards that the set does affect standard in some way but can only really see another deck joining tier 1 rather than a couple dropping down.


Sat I shall indeed bring the bgd so that Gary can get his last fill

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