Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

didn't wizards say they weren't just going to print the good cards at mythic? welp

fuck you wi$ardz!

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Because it's bat shit insane. Also Wizards are scumbags
"We want the flavor of mythic rare to be something that feels very special and unique. Generally speaking we expect that to mean cards like Planeswalkers, most legends, and epic-feeling creatures and spells. They will not just be a list of each set's most powerful tournament-level cards."
- Mark Ro$ewat£r, June 2, 2008
The Rosewater blurb was just to excuse it when they introduced it. We all knew it would be meaningless a few sets later. How does anyone afford to play this game?
Thomas David Baker said:
The Rosewater blurb was just to excuse it when they introduced it. We all knew it would be meaningless a few sets later. How does anyone afford to play this game?

well i haven't spent money on product for a number of years. going infinite irl yo
Dan Barrett said:
I am 100% against this, the usage of mythic rarity in this set is downright spiteful.

welp, at least the fetches aren't mythic
also why are they called "mythic"? that just sounds gay hth
It is a powerful card though with fetches & harrow, But Mythic no. I also think Mythics are a bad idea in the first place & should not have been added, The cost of playing Standard has got out of control & now I only play Legacy, In the long run it costs less.
Well, on balance I think the reason they made Lotus Cobra at Mythic was th-CREAM GET THE MONEY, DOLLA' DOLLA' BILL Y'ALL!

Uh, sorry about that... Seems I start channeling Method Man when I see that card for some reason
this is insane, turn 3you have 7 mana after a turn one bird turn 2 lotus cobra turn 3 7 mana with 2 Fetch lands
Mythic = Legendary, one-of-a-kind effect/creature. An event or entity which has such an effect on history that it creates its own story.
Planeswalkers, legendary creatures, huge creatures etc.
Making a mana accelerator that is an auto include in virtually deck running green a mythic is abominable.
Birds & noble hierarchs are rare for a reason, mana fixers/accelerators should be available at the rare slot as they are staples, but available.
Unless this is in a precon, the price is going to be nuts, and prohibitive. The effect it gives is too strong to not play them though....
This annoys me too, but to play devil's (wizards') advocate:
1) Remember that because big sets are smaller than they used to be, mythic cards are only 50% rarer than rares in big sets used to be (1/121, not 1/80).
2) It's not like you'll need the card for ages- Standard season will start very approximately around Easter. He'll easily be more available than lots of older extended cards for most people.
3) The card is good, but not that different to bloom tender, which barely saw play. Or compare him to steward of valeron since most of the time, this guy will add 1 to your pool, and attack for 2.

On the other hand, if anyone wants to remind themself about exactly what wizards said when they announced mythics:
Whats the big deal?

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