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I heard a wild chifley appeared and top 8ed....?

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Chifley got lucked out by some crap girl playing affinity in the first round of top 8 while getting some bad draws. Dan G got beaten by James allingham, left before top 4 but some randomer won it, james allinghim or Ioannis (no idea how to spell his silly name) being the only vaguely good ones..

I had hoped that a night's sleep would untilt me, but no, the tilt goes on...


Anyway, top 8 was

me - mythic naya

dan g - uw control

james - naya

ioannis - jund

random x 4 - tempered steel, fae, mythic and another jund iirc

Apparently the raelly awful tempered steel girl won..

nice deck, etc

Seems like you guys are being unduly harsh on a girl winning. She might have gotten a bit lucky, sure, but surely a base level of playskill and a bit of luck is what you need to win?!

That Ginger One said:
Apparently the raelly awful tempered steel girl won..
No see we are being harsh on whoever won, because they weren't very good. I mean, this person who won and wasn't good happened to be a girl, but there were other people who weren't good too!
Well I watched her play a friend earlier in the day and she missed an on board kill for 2 turns before realising she had the game, but I dont think she was actually too bad. Probably about as good as James Allingham, who was in the finals and also isnt soo good

He's still considerably better than say, me, though.


Does that mean I wouldn't deserve it if I *somehow* beat one of you in a PTQ top 8, or won the whole thing, because I'm not a *good* player?


Sure, she may have made some apparently glaring errors, but imagine if she read this thread - it'd make her feel bad for winning, and take away from her satisfaction of having done so.

That Ginger One said:

Well I watched her play a friend earlier in the day and she missed an on board kill for 2 turns before realising she had the game, but I dont think she was actually too bad. Probably about as good as James Allingham, who was in the finals and also isnt soo good

I'm with Dan on this one.


Jealousy/bitterness is an ugly thing.



Dan Barrett said:

He's still considerably better than say, me, though.


Does that mean I wouldn't deserve it if I *somehow* beat one of you in a PTQ top 8, or won the whole thing, because I'm not a *good* player?


Sure, she may have made some apparently glaring errors, but imagine if she read this thread - it'd make her feel bad for winning, and take away from her satisfaction of having done so.

That Ginger One said:

Well I watched her play a friend earlier in the day and she missed an on board kill for 2 turns before realising she had the game, but I dont think she was actually too bad. Probably about as good as James Allingham, who was in the finals and also isnt soo good

If you played a deck as narrow as affinity I wouldnt have much problems saying you didnt deserve it; she had an interesting list, but its not like she had any decisions to make in the games I watched; she made a terrible keep against chifley in game 3 and got lucky (drew land, mox opal off the top after keeping windbrisk no other mana) and had trips master in the other game she won. She probably isnt that bad, but did make a bunch of mistakes which with a less one track deck would have lost her any match. She did make the right deck choice though.

That would never happen though would it.

Dan Barrett said:

He's still considerably better than say, me, though.


Does that mean I wouldn't deserve it if I *somehow* beat one of you in a PTQ top 8, or won the whole thing, because I'm not a *good* player?


Sure, she may have made some apparently glaring errors, but imagine if she read this thread - it'd make her feel bad for winning, and take away from her satisfaction of having done so.

That Ginger One said:

Well I watched her play a friend earlier in the day and she missed an on board kill for 2 turns before realising she had the game, but I dont think she was actually too bad. Probably about as good as James Allingham, who was in the finals and also isnt soo good

Still not a good enough reason to be a dick to her though.

Just saying.

That Ginger One said:

If you played a deck as narrow as affinity I wouldnt have much problems saying you didnt deserve it; she had an interesting list, but its not like she had any decisions to make in the games I watched; she made a terrible keep against chifley in game 3 and got lucky (drew land, mox opal off the top after keeping windbrisk no other mana) and had trips master in the other game she won. She probably isnt that bad, but did make a bunch of mistakes which with a less one track deck would have lost her any match. She did make the right deck choice though.

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