This is the stock Tezzeret list Dan. The idea is that it basically has answers to everything and plenty of ways to get at them (Trinket Mage/Gifts/Muddle). Most of the cards have utility in the common matchup's aside from Tormods Crypt which gives you a game 1 vs Dredge. Fast Zoo does have a good game against it, but it has plenty of outs in Wrath/Explosives/Chalice. It eventually wins by exhausting it's opponents options and sticking Tezzeret/Sword combo/Shackles. The reason it runs less combo pieces is because it is a control deck with combo as one win condition and not just a combo deck. Running Thopter/Sword as 4-ofs leaves the deck quite narrow and vulnerable to hate cards. LSV wrote a long article over on channelfireball if you want to know more:
Dan Barrett said:While we're on the subject, Charlie, can you explain how exactly this deck survives long enough to get its combo online? It clearly did very well, but with so many 1/2/3 ofs it seems awkward, and only 1 and 2 of your combo pieces seems less than stellar:
So what are the most common gifts piles? I still don't really see it tbh. Also, would it not be better if it splashed for green and/or black?
While we're on the subject, Charlie, can you explain how exactly this deck survives long enough to get its combo online? It clearly did very well, but with so many 1/2/3 ofs it seems awkward, and only 1 and 2 of your combo pieces seems less than stellar:
I may have missed the obvious.
I'm not going to lie, I stopped reading the comments when someone asked why there was 1 plumeveil instead of 1 finks in a deck with teachings - but I'm sure if this deck is too unreliable at winning, you could hybridize it a combo
Is anyone actually playing Extended online? I keep thinking about groovy decks like this one and the Martyr deck that Brad Nelson wrote about last week but there's always at least one $40 card in them (Baneslayer or Tarmogoyf usually) that puts me off getting into it.
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