Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Can someone post this for me as I don't have premium at the moment.


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While I am no lsv I have played a little with this deck and found there were not enough counters and you seem to have no way of beating scapeshift. That is unless they drop vakult before comboing so you can ghost quarter it.

I also found in that article it was very interesting that he would recomend gifts for gifts. He says they never give it to you, I have found when I used to play gifts they always give it to you as it doesn't actually stop them from winning at the time.

Ben Titmarsh said:
This is the stock Tezzeret list Dan. The idea is that it basically has answers to everything and plenty of ways to get at them (Trinket Mage/Gifts/Muddle). Most of the cards have utility in the common matchup's aside from Tormods Crypt which gives you a game 1 vs Dredge. Fast Zoo does have a good game against it, but it has plenty of outs in Wrath/Explosives/Chalice. It eventually wins by exhausting it's opponents options and sticking Tezzeret/Sword combo/Shackles. The reason it runs less combo pieces is because it is a control deck with combo as one win condition and not just a combo deck. Running Thopter/Sword as 4-ofs leaves the deck quite narrow and vulnerable to hate cards. LSV wrote a long article over on channelfireball if you want to know more:

Dan Barrett said:
While we're on the subject, Charlie, can you explain how exactly this deck survives long enough to get its combo online? It clearly did very well, but with so many 1/2/3 ofs it seems awkward, and only 1 and 2 of your combo pieces seems less than stellar:
So what are the most common gifts piles? I still don't really see it tbh.

Also, would it not be better if it splashed for green and/or black?
He gives examples in the article. Most of those are the generic gifts piles. I found the deck to be lacking in that area. When I gifts I want spice.

This deck is not a good choice at the moment. It looses to too many decks that are being played a lot.

Dan Barrett said:
So what are the most common gifts piles? I still don't really see it tbh. Also, would it not be better if it splashed for green and/or black?
Dan Barrett said:
While we're on the subject, Charlie, can you explain how exactly this deck survives long enough to get its combo online? It clearly did very well, but with so many 1/2/3 ofs it seems awkward, and only 1 and 2 of your combo pieces seems less than stellar:

2 wraths, 3 explosives, 3 paths and shackles isnt enough when backed up by card draw and countermagic? surely this survives the same way every other U/W control deck does...
I may have missed the obvious.
i want a less clunky version of hana kami/soulless revivals for optimal gifts spice level

actually fuck that, i want things like holistic wisdom and mirari so i can play a deck that gets into the draw bracket even more frequently than gifts lolzzz

on a semiserious note, i'm thinking about fooling around with some kind of heartbeat deck. are there any worthwhile decks that can make use of heartbeat/harvest? i mean besides just casting time warp or weird harvest for drift/maga
I don't think you did. Yes there are lots of answers but there is also a lot of situational cards here too. Sometimes you just get draws that don't do anything.

Dan Barrett said:
I may have missed the obvious.
I'm not going to lie, I stopped reading the comments when someone asked why there was 1 plumeveil instead of 1 finks in a deck with teachings - but I'm sure if this deck is too unreliable at winning, you could hybridize it a combo
That's rob. Helpfull as ever.

Amidu said:
I'm not going to lie, I stopped reading the comments when someone asked why there was 1 plumeveil instead of 1 finks in a deck with teachings - but I'm sure if this deck is too unreliable at winning, you could hybridize it a combo
Pretty much. Thats just a stock tezzeret list. Its fine, but motherfucking skill intensive and I would not recommend playing ot at a ptq unless you want to play as fast as me, as the deck is really slow.
I know I'm stating the obvious here but

Wrath + Day + Explosives = Sweep
Cryptic + Leak + Muddle + Snare = Counters
Chalice, Spellbomb, Mox, Synod, Crypt = Trinket Mage targets
Everything in the deck = Gifts targets
Ghost Quarter, Academy Ruins, Dual Lands, Explosives, Chalice, Crypt = Tolaria West targets

So there is some redundancy in the spotty numbers.

I have no idea how it plays out but it's probably not as completely draw-dependent as it initially looks. You do have 6 ways to get Engineered Explosives to end the early beatdown. Burn seems harder but if you can assemble the combo before you die then you do gain life and I hear they don't like that.

Plus I bet it's really fun to play when it does all come together :)

Is anyone actually playing Extended online? I keep thinking about groovy decks like this one and the Martyr deck that Brad Nelson wrote about last week but there's always at least one $40 card in them (Baneslayer or Tarmogoyf usually) that puts me off getting into it.
Thomas David Baker said:
Is anyone actually playing Extended online? I keep thinking about groovy decks like this one and the Martyr deck that Brad Nelson wrote about last week but there's always at least one $40 card in them (Baneslayer or Tarmogoyf usually) that puts me off getting into it.

i'm playing some extended online. it's difficult now though, since once the ptq season started all the rav block duals increased to like 10-30 tix each. it's not all bad though, since lots of the fringe cards are extremely cheap [in the 0.1tix range] due to not being standard legal any more. similarly, painlands are worth basically nothing now so you can still build budget manabases or manabases for decks that can afford to play pains instead of fetches and duals [though fetches are still really cheap online]

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