Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

As the title says, who is going to Milton Keynes this Sunday?


What will you play?

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I assume so - As for what I play, I have no idea. If Dan is going I can't play Naya.

I really want to play Next Level Bant but have very little of the cards.
I wanna play! Lend me cards. Yay. On a serious note, how many baneslayer angels and abyssal persecutors and celestial collonades and creeping tar pits and wall of omens do people have spare?
What deck do you want to play?

What is the deck to play this week?

That Ginger One said:
I wanna play! Lend me cards. Yay. On a serious note, how many baneslayer angels and abyssal persecutors and celestial collonades and creeping tar pits and wall of omens do people have spare?

will prob play bant or naya if i do go, some kinda vengevine deck no doubt.
Erm... kibler bant is probably the deck to play if you can be bothered to make infinite decisions/turn with it, and have alll the revelevant planeswalkers. Mind you, I probably need those too. Im either playing UWB Baneslayer/persecutor control or URG vengevine, but that requires getting jace AND vengevines, whereas my UWB list needs like 1 Gideon 2 Jace, which could be hard to get but more doable... I might just play my deck from last week again as I dont see how its not still the best deck, beats the now probably popular kibler bant nicely too..
I have 1 Gideon if that's something you need.

That Ginger One said:
Erm... kibler bant is probably the deck to play if you can be bothered to make infinite decisions/turn with it, and have alll the revelevant planeswalkers. Mind you, I probably need those too. Im either playing UWB Baneslayer/persecutor control or URG vengevine, but that requires getting jace AND vengevines, whereas my UWB list needs like 1 Gideon 2 Jace, which could be hard to get but more doable... I might just play my deck from last week again as I dont see how its not still the best deck, beats the now probably popular kibler bant nicely too..
Charlie could you send me a list of your deck from Reading?

I am unsure what to play!

That Ginger One said:
Erm... kibler bant is probably the deck to play if you can be bothered to make infinite decisions/turn with it, and have alll the revelevant planeswalkers. Mind you, I probably need those too. Im either playing UWB Baneslayer/persecutor control or URG vengevine, but that requires getting jace AND vengevines, whereas my UWB list needs like 1 Gideon 2 Jace, which could be hard to get but more doable... I might just play my deck from last week again as I dont see how its not still the best deck, beats the now probably popular kibler bant nicely too..
Sure, check facebook Jason, and thanks Louis.
Thanks for it Charlie.
possibly going, if I am then I'm driving.
I'm not going to go.
Thanks for letting us know!

James Mills said:
I'm not going to go.

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