Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

good folks


1st - anyone up for some nats testing around the liverpool street area either at lunch or after work?

2nd - anyone got a list of the top decks in standard at the mo, I have proxied up so far (jund, white weenie and boros) but am not sure what else is a tier 1 deck.

3rd does anyone know where I can find a list for the polymorph Iona deck thats going about


thanks in advance


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Also, some decks have outs to Iona resolving - you can either continue to bash in with your board, or you may have removal in multiple colours (say Deathmark and Oblivion Ring). Against my deck for instance - if you name blue I'll just burn you out, if you name red I'll bounce it and continue.
you guys do realize that the deck does other stuff as most decks have answers to iona, I am just pointing out that it q'd a boat load of peps at the weekend so should expect a lot of it this weekend and I wanted a list to work from
Apart from Newcastle and Southampton which qualifiers were there? I know it Q'ed 2 people at Newcastle, but to be honest that group of players are pretty casual.

How many slots did it take in Southampton? What other decks qualified?

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
you guys do realize that the deck does other stuff as most decks have answers to iona, I am just pointing out that it q'd a boat load of peps at the weekend so should expect a lot of it this weekend and I wanted a list to work from
there's no tourny report just what people are saying on Facebook, it q'd half at southampton aswell from what there saying, I think it is more of a case of being able to deal with it that playing it

Amar Dattani said:
Apart from Newcastle and Southampton which qualifiers were there? I know it Q'ed 2 people at Newcastle, but to be honest that group of players are pretty casual.

How many slots did it take in Southampton? What other decks qualified?

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
you guys do realize that the deck does other stuff as most decks have answers to iona, I am just pointing out that it q'd a boat load of peps at the weekend so should expect a lot of it this weekend and I wanted a list to work from
it Q'ed no one at southampton. It was 2 jund 2 naya 1 jund/naya hybrid 1 uw 1 vampires.
They got 56-63 players for the Southampton qualifier? Nice.

That Ginger One said:
it Q'ed no one at southampton. It was 2 jund 2 naya 1 jund/naya hybrid 1 uw 1 vampires.
No vamps, but one RDW

That Ginger One said:
it Q'ed no one at southampton. It was 2 jund 2 naya 1 jund/naya hybrid 1 uw 1 vampires.
Glenn, you mind copy-pasting some of these facebook comments/messages here? Sounds like people are just trying to spread random shit to me!

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
there's no tourny report just what people are saying on Facebook, it q'd half at southampton aswell from what there saying, I think it is more of a case of being able to deal with it that playing it
seems a little bit like random tosh man, I am unable to achieve such technical highs as copy and past mainly due to no Facebook access at work and my home computer is shocking at opening anything at all.

basically there are a lot of people suggesting it's the deck to play or beat at the mo

did a little testing last night and am not sure which build is best yet, the UG is very consistant but the UW deck has a lot more answers to problems and also has more ways to produce tokens and of course day of judgement

mmmm more testing this weekend me thinks
If you want details of the polymorph deck, Grant Hislop and I both wrote tourney reports which are up on the starkington post.
Grant came up with the shell and we tested it a bunch before deciding it was good enough. Results so far:
Newcastle (32) 2 players, both 5-1, both q'ed
Glasgow (29) 3 players 4-0-1, 3-0-2, 3-1-1, 1 player q'ed.
I wouldn't describe myself as a casual player but I guess that's for other people to judge.

andy morrison
I think what whoever made the comment above meant by "casual" is that Newcastle is traditionally a "soft" field.

At least that's what i have heard, no idea from personal experience.
To be honest, I think the attitude that a lot of people generally hold in London that groups from other towns/cities are "soft" is elitist and just wrong. Everyone has access to the best resource (the internet) for deck design/discussion and people outside London are just as passionate about this game. Going all the way to Newcastle (or anywhere else) because you expect the PTQ to be soft, is just setting yourself up for failure.

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