Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Was in draft and had trouble making choices, arguments could be made for both cards and i wondered what you would pick. I first picked Hand of the Praetors and decided to go for it.

Early pack 1, Cystbearer or Tangle Angler?

Early pack 2 I only have 5 poison guys and they all cost 3 + 4 except 1 blight mamba. Do you pick Contagion Clasp or Plague Stinger?

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I don't rate Tangle Angler but lots of much better players do so there's something I'm not getting there. My limited experience with poision tells me that Cystbearer is surprisingly good as he gets to attack into a lot of boards that the 2/2s and the 2/1s don't. I was picking Ichor Rats very high but I think Cystbearer is probably straight up better.

Your other pick is hard. But I think you probably have to take the flier? He will win you games with pump and equipment.
Tangle Angler is a fantastic card in Poison decks as his lure ability takes out all the available blockers so your other poison men can take the game. However, Cystbearer is one of the key men in poison decks as his 3 toughness makes him hard to block effectively when he comes down early, and it makes him more survivable than the other poison creatures.

Pack 2 you probably need that Plague Stinger even though Contagion Clasp is nuts. Stinger is probably the most important creature in a poison deck, and at that point you have none.
Tangle Angler is slightly less good and a weaker signal that poison is open, plus you need to prioritise early drops, so I think Cystbearer is the pick. Youd definitely want one if possible though, because luring your opponents board to get through one lethal guy is SWEET.

Second one, depends on your read of the table, is poison open? Is someone else picking up the 1/2 drop poison guys, or were there just not any opened? Contagion Clasp is going to be played in your deck anyway, so I think it depends on how confident you are of getting another 8 or so Infect guys and the support for them in the rest of the picks. If you are, then Plague Stinger, if you are still considering ditching that plan, Clasp.

In general I think poison is going to be a better draft strategy at a table with stronger players - I've seen a lot of newer guys try and force it (it's "easy" to draft because it's fairly linear, and alt win-cons are very attractive to johnny/timmy), often at the same table, with no reason to do so, and they end up with 50/50 split terrible decks.

Whereas if you make 5/6 regular picks at a stronger table, then notice no-one is taking those Plague Stingers and Cystbearers and move in because you've read the table well, you'll be better rewarded, and possibly the only Poison player.
Contagion Clasp foo'

That's not even a real question.
Pack 1 I went with the tangle angler. I felt it was probably the more game winning card, even though cystbearer is one of the top cards for th poison deck. I figured as it was uncommon I was more likley to see another cystbearer or simillar.

Pack 2 I took the flyer as he is also one of the most important cards in infect. There are not a great amount of flyers so he can often get in quite a few damage.
Still not sure if this is right though as contagion engine is such a powerful cards on it's own.

Pack 2 ended up being a bit of a wreck with me not seeing much poison and the packs in 3 were not great a they seemed to have no infect cards or 2 or 3 in the same pack.

Still managed to go 2-1. Trigon of rage is so good in this deck. And I love tainted strike. It fixes your deck when you didn't manage to get enough infect guys and is insane with molder beast.

James Mills said:
Contagion Clasp foo' That's not even a real question.
Wait - was it contagion clasp or Contaigion Engine?

Gary Lynch said:
Pack 1 I went with the tangle angler. I felt it was probably the more game winning card, even though cystbearer is one of the top cards for th poison deck. I figured as it was uncommon I was more likley to see another cystbearer or simillar.

Pack 2 I took the flyer as he is also one of the most important cards in infect. There are not a great amount of flyers so he can often get in quite a few damage.
Still not sure if this is right though as contagion engine is such a powerful cards on it's own.

Pack 2 ended up being a bit of a wreck with me not seeing much poison and the packs in 3 were not great a they seemed to have no infect cards or 2 or 3 in the same pack.

Still managed to go 2-1. Trigon of rage is so good in this deck. And I love tainted strike. It fixes your deck when you didn't manage to get enough infect guys and is insane with molder beast.

James Mills said:
Contagion Clasp foo' That's not even a real question.
Clasp obv. Engine is a no brained first pick.

James Mills said:
Wait - was it contagion clasp or Contaigion Engine?

Gary Lynch said:
Pack 1 I went with the tangle angler. I felt it was probably the more game winning card, even though cystbearer is one of the top cards for th poison deck. I figured as it was uncommon I was more likley to see another cystbearer or simillar.

Pack 2 I took the flyer as he is also one of the most important cards in infect. There are not a great amount of flyers so he can often get in quite a few damage.
Still not sure if this is right though as contagion engine is such a powerful cards on it's own.

Pack 2 ended up being a bit of a wreck with me not seeing much poison and the packs in 3 were not great a they seemed to have no infect cards or 2 or 3 in the same pack.

Still managed to go 2-1. Trigon of rage is so good in this deck. And I love tainted strike. It fixes your deck when you didn't manage to get enough infect guys and is insane with molder beast.

James Mills said:
Contagion Clasp foo' That's not even a real question.
Foil Koth.
Still contagion clasp though - it's really good esp if you are infect! It has an immediate impact and an Incremental inpact over the game

Gary Lynch said:
Clasp obv. Engine is a no brained first pick.

James Mills said:
Wait - was it contagion clasp or Contaigion Engine?

Gary Lynch said:
Pack 1 I went with the tangle angler. I felt it was probably the more game winning card, even though cystbearer is one of the top cards for th poison deck. I figured as it was uncommon I was more likley to see another cystbearer or simillar.

Pack 2 I took the flyer as he is also one of the most important cards in infect. There are not a great amount of flyers so he can often get in quite a few damage.
Still not sure if this is right though as contagion engine is such a powerful cards on it's own.

Pack 2 ended up being a bit of a wreck with me not seeing much poison and the packs in 3 were not great a they seemed to have no infect cards or 2 or 3 in the same pack.

Still managed to go 2-1. Trigon of rage is so good in this deck. And I love tainted strike. It fixes your deck when you didn't manage to get enough infect guys and is insane with molder beast.

James Mills said:
Contagion Clasp foo' That's not even a real question.
The answer to most of life's questions

Dan Barrett said:
Foil Koth.
James, what are you going to give me next time I see you?

James Mills said:
The answer to most of life's questions

Dan Barrett said:
Foil Koth.
A slap

Dan Barrett said:
James, what are you going to give me next time I see you?

James Mills said:
The answer to most of life's questions

Dan Barrett said:
Foil Koth.

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