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Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I heard a wild chifley appeared and top 8ed....?

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Hes never 17. He looks like 21 :P

Paul Nonis said:

and Mike Parker, for what its worth.


On an unrelated note, does anyone have a metagame breakdown?

That Ginger One said:


On a side note, you are incredibly frustrating, because despite touting out the same points over and over about us pidgeonwholing worse players together into not being good enough, you call us arrogant kids,which is an appalling form of pidgeonwholing. Do you have any idea how utterly terrible that is as an argument? The only kids who play PTQ's regularly at the moment are me and Scoones, and compared to most magic players we are pretty pleasant to have around. Im a kid therefore I must be arrogant right? Because if you spent any time watching me at a tournament you would know I help those I can help and listen to anyone incase they have anything I can learn from.....


Regardless, you three were supposed to be my "up and coming" do well at nationals people last year and you all failed me!

That Ginger One said:
Hes never 17. He looks like 21 :P

Paul Nonis said:

and Mike Parker, for what its worth.


On an unrelated note, does anyone have a metagame breakdown?

That Ginger One said:


On a side note, you are incredibly frustrating, because despite touting out the same points over and over about us pidgeonwholing worse players together into not being good enough, you call us arrogant kids,which is an appalling form of pidgeonwholing. Do you have any idea how utterly terrible that is as an argument? The only kids who play PTQ's regularly at the moment are me and Scoones, and compared to most magic players we are pretty pleasant to have around. Im a kid therefore I must be arrogant right? Because if you spent any time watching me at a tournament you would know I help those I can help and listen to anyone incase they have anything I can learn from.....


Well I was on lifetilt and I ruined scoones's by giving him an incorrect list and beating him...

I just wanted to say that I think this thread's been one of the best of recent times here on DT.

I hope that Charlie and Chifley don't win more ptqs so that it can continue! ;)


@charlie- that's no excuse!

I dunno, it kinda is. I certianly wasnt in a good frame of mind; I tried to cheat for the first time in 3 years (lost that game anyway thankfully) and was punting infi :/ I didnt care much :P


And imma win a PTQ. I can feel it ;)

What was the cheat? So we can publicly judge you :)

That Ginger One said:

I dunno, it kinda is. I certianly wasnt in a good frame of mind; I tried to cheat for the first time in 3 years (lost that game anyway thankfully) and was punting infi :/ I didnt care much :P


And imma win a PTQ. I can feel it ;)

yo what criteria quantify a person for randomer status? cus i've been pretty terrible at magic for the last couple of years but i think a fairly large portion of the uk ptq circuit still recognise me


also this thread would be better if it wasn't about the people it is - charlie and chifley are both solid dudes and i think most people know that they aren't dicks so the argument isn't really going anywhere lol.


an interesting point which has been brought up but not discussed at length is the perception of players [i've heard it brought up infy times over the last year] that certain members of the uk circuit judge people based purely on their magical skills. i'm not going to namedrop anyone but i know that lots of players harbour dislikes for certain other players and this perception of unfair judgment is a big contributing factor. for the record i don't dislike anyone on the uk magic scene [and hopefully no-one dislikes me lol] but the community seems to be full of bad beef. like i have to say that the sentence "X is a total dick, he thinks he's above me just because he thinks i'm no good at magic" is something i hear a fair amount, but i don't think i've ever had that perception


anyway i can't really remember what i've been writing for the last several minutes so DISCUSS

Being such a small community, it's easier for situations like that to arise I guess.


From my experience, almost all players in the UK, at all levels of skill, are decent enough to talk to you and stuff, and even if they don't respect me as a player (which is fair enough), they respect me as a person. Sure, I'm probably never going to be best mates with all of them, but for instance when a bunch of Brits are at a European event, they make efforts to stick together and are generally supportive. I've found Matt Light and Richard Bland particularly good on this front, vouching for me to borrow cards from players who haven't yet got to know me well, etc.


In short: I know exactly who you're talking about, and well... I don't think it's anything any of us can change, so no point getting upset about it or taking it to heart. 

My opp wasn't cutting so I shuffled a card to the top (I then cut it after he didn't cos I had a change of heart but its still bad)


And phil, I dunno if you are a randomer; you can stop beinga  randomer in a bunch of ways, but its hard for me to tell with people I know. For example, Dan B isnt a randomer cos he networks well, Dan R isnt a random cos he used to be not crap, Chifley isnt a randomer cos he is one of those foreigners no one likes to play in PTQ's cos people think they are better than they are, and im not a randomer cos I did well with fires that one time then everyone knew who I was. FWIW if you used to be actually good then you probably are not a randomer but I dunno whether people know you or not.

Daniel Royde said:

What was the cheat? So we can publicly judge you :)

That Ginger One said:

I dunno, it kinda is. I certianly wasnt in a good frame of mind; I tried to cheat for the first time in 3 years (lost that game anyway thankfully) and was punting infi :/ I didnt care much :P


And imma win a PTQ. I can feel it ;)

i think that the face of uk magic has changed so much over the last several years though, you know?


like i reckon if sam gomersall or nick west showed up to tgc one night very few people would even know who they are.


sometimes it works the other way as well i guess - glenn goldsworthy hasn't been on the pro tour for years but is still widely recognised across the country

I think some people would and others wouldn't, neither of them weree amazing enough to be known after quitting.

Although as an aside, nick west is past it. He was on the uk players in Amsterdam discussion board, and tried to fell us to run merfolk with ms cryptologist and that goblins was  the best deck with md bannaret...

Philip Dickinson said:

i think that the face of uk magic has changed so much over the last several years though, you know?


like i reckon if sam gomersall or nick west showed up to tgc one night very few people would even know who they are.


sometimes it works the other way as well i guess - glenn goldsworthy hasn't been on the pro tour for years but is still widely recognised across the country

ha that's genius, i can't think of any environment in which i would feel comfortable playing goblins let alone the amsterdam 1.x format


my old deck selection plan was just "run whatever richard moore tells me to play" but unfortunately he's not really available for comment these days lol

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